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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



Ilmu Sosbud

Memandu Banjarnegara dalam Bahasa Inggris

6 Oktober 2021   21:40 Diperbarui: 6 Oktober 2021   21:41 278
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS


Hello mike, Do at the back seat hear my voice clearly? Good evening ladies and gentlemen, are you still exited for our tour today?

General Description about Banjarnegara

Well as you know now we are at Central of Java province and now we will go to Banjarnegara regency. And right now I will tell u some information about Banjarnegara regency. Banjarnegara, there is a story about the name of banjarnegara. A long time ago there was a traditional figure is Kyai maliu that very interesting about natural beauty around merawu river. Days to days that place crowded of people live at there until been a village. That village names Banjar that meaning rice field suitable with many paddy field. After that Banjar village lived by many people at there because of kyai maliu being a head village and improved to be better and because of that, That place being e regency or called as negara in English is country. And right now that regency called as Banjarnegara regency.

Well ladies and gentlemen, large of banjarnegara around 1070 square kilometers with 932.192 live population.Banjarnegara regency have 20 district, 12 sub district, and 266 villages.  Mostly religion at banjarnegara is islam like 99% and another there is protestan, katolic, and budha.

Anniversary of banjarnegara on February 26th 1571 like 450 years old. There is a unique story about anniversary of bajarnegara because there was a changing of anniversary date. First of all anniversary date of banjarnegara on august 22nd. But change on to February 26th when sighning of local regulation because The moment of dividing the Wirasaba Duchy into four was also a milestone in the birth of Banjarnegara Regency.


Farming area

Mostly Banjarnegara people being a farmer because they have many rice fields and farm field like moor, garden, and fishpond. Agriculture potential in Banjarnegara regency is supported by fertile land that suitable for the various types of agriculture. The potential of agriculture in banjarnegara is spread across in several location. 

There is 3 type geography of banjarnegara

  • North : have a steep and bumpy relief and montain area. Location of : potato, corn, sheep and lamb.
  • Central : flat area. Location of : rice, corn, soybeans, salak, durian, mangosteen, fisheries and cattle
  • South : flat and steep area. Location of : rice, peanuts, durian, mangosteen and cow

Dieng highland

Banjarnegara have many beautiful object tourism like dieng highland that we wanna go there tomorrow. Dieng highland known as center of archaeological finds because found of some temples and remains of ancient. We will go to dieng highland tomorrow and u will see how beautifull and unique of that place.


Domba batur

Like I said before, at north banjarnegara famous with lamb batur. Lamb batur is one of local lamb in Indonesia come from banjarnegara and be appointed by minister of agriculture's decision. Batur lamb is a cross result between merino lamb and thin tail lamb with original geographic of batur district. Beside the cute and bigger shape different with the other lamb, Batur lamb don't have a horn, mostly white hair and cover full body until face. Because that batur lamb need to be preserved.


Es dawet ayu

Traditional drink that famous at Banjarnegara is Es Dawet Ayu. The uniqueness of es dawet ayu of banjarnegara from the rice flour that use as point ingredients so that being more chewy. Es dawet ayu eazy to find at traditional market that fresh and suitable to drink when hot weather. But this es dawet ayu can drink hot or cold by apply some ice to make it cold.

Tempe mendoan

And there is traditional snack from Banjarnegara is Tempe Mendoan that Tempe or fermentation of soybean that have a thick slice  after that greased by flour with many traditional ingredients from banjarnegara.


Well ladies and gentlemen you have 10 minutes for take a photo before we go to the next object. We will met again at here 10 minutes again. See you. Babay.

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