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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



Ruang Kelas

Memandu dari Cibubur sampai Bogor

27 Februari 2021   20:11 Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2021   20:14 140
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

so ledies and gentlemen now we entering jagorawi tol (Jakarta-bogor) made from 1973 until 1978 and delegate on 9 march 1978 with long 59 km. jagorawi tol is first tol that operated and being a reason born of pt. jasa marga as a company of development and operator of tol road in Indonesia. This jagorawi tol connecting Jakarta, cibubur,citeurup,bogor and also ciawi and connected with many tol roads that is tol inside cuty, tol ourside circle of Jakarta, and bogor ring road. Jagorawi tol being the masterpiece because the contraction structures that's still prime and the landscape of locate so green that give a fresh situation for the driver. Jagorawi tol also upgrade service for the tol user like largier road, moving gate to cimanggis, make a rest area until change of transaction system. Because of made this jagorawi tol that large of buperta cibubur from 230 hectar became 210 hectar.

so ledies and gentlemen for a while we will entering bogor regency area. Bogor regency is one of regency on west java province that deligate on 3 june 1482 with large 2.072,21 km2. Word bogor became from some references, example bogor named from arab language is bangar is cow with reason and proving some of cow statue at bogor botnicak garden. Another reference said that bogor word from bokor that is tunggul pohon enau or aren trees. But, by history writing, on 7 april 1752 there is bogor word in the document writted hoofd van de negorij bogor meaning bogor head village. Inside the document also known that head village insde the bogor botanical garden that made on 1817. At bogor regency had may beautiful place like bogor botanical garden, istana bogor or bogor palace, museum zoology that we will go there an many more.

okay ladies and gentlemen for a while we will entering bogor cty that is one of city of west java with large 118,50 km2 that abut with some sub districts ofbogor regency wit depok city. Bogor known as rainy city because have a more intence rainyfall.

so ledies and gentlemen bogor also known by istana bogor or bogor palace. Istana bogor is one id 6 palaces of precident of indnesia palaces,joko Widodo that have an own uniqe because historical aspec, culture and fauna. There is deers come from Nepal on 1808 that still keep until right now. The first time just 6 deers being 860 deers on 2010. Istana bogor have a dutch colonial architecture. Right now being e trend of bogor people and nearest avery Saturday Sunday dan holiday that arounding at itana bogor with feed the beautiful deers that alive inside the istana bogor witg carrot that always ready saled by the local farmer every Saturday Sunday and hliday. Now this istana bogor using as a place of president jokowidodo and also bening a meeting place for welcoming another guest from another country. Puclic people can entering the istana bogor but have must with a group and also with agreed by mvountry secretary. On the dutch colonial, bogor known as buitenzorgs meaning withour worried or safe at ease. From 1870 until 1942 istana bogor is being a official place of 38 dutch general gouvernour and one Britain general gouvernour. On 1744 general gouvernour gustaaf willem baron van imhoff amazed by the peace of a little villages in bogor ( kampong baru) or in English new villages that is an ex area of padjajaran kingdom at hulu batavia. Van imhoff have a plan growing the area being the farm area and rest area for general gouvernour. Istana bogor made on august 1744 and shaped three floor that is for rest place for him self. And he make the scetch by himskelf and made it from 1745 until 1750. Tib=me by time shpe of the palace have many rebuild before that being the rest place became a palace with yard lage until 28 ,4 hectar with large build is 14.892 m2. But there is a disaster on October 1834 that the thunderground because ovf erupted of salak montain until the palace broke so much. On 1850, istana bogor rebuiid against but didn't 3 floor against remembering the area situation that often had e thunderground.because that the build crashed and build again with eropa 19 century asrsitecthure. On 1870 this palace being a official place of hindia dutch general geuverment and given to japan colonial. On 1950 after freedom, istana bogor start used by Indonesia gouverment and offilcially being one of the president palace of Indonesia. On 1968 this palace official open for public visit. The tourist from local to forein reach almost 10.000 people. On 15 oct 1994, as a meeting place of economy cencellor or asia pacific economy cooperative and there is happen the bogor delegation that is te commintment if 18 country of APEC participant for held e free trade and investment before 2020. On 16 august 2020 hels a semarak kemerdekaan or lively of freedom to celebrate the freedom of Indonesia of 57. On 9 july 2005 presindet SBY deld a married of him son agus yudhoyono with anisa pohan. On 20 now 2006 usa presindet goerge w. bush on visiting country ah there almost 6 hours. Before that istana bogor include byba big garden named bogor botanical garden however, accorsing to the need for e center for the development of tropical plant science, bogor botanical garden was released from the palace in 1817.

okay ledies and gentlemen on your left side there is sentul international circuit that is circuit that ofren used for moto racing, Asian f3 event, a1 grand prix event, gp2 asia event, and aver held motogp untul 1997 wth long race 4,12 km with large 15 m2 with 11 bend wit 2 capacities closed stands. But now the facilities little lost of the time by time antil make it nop supposed to held an event super fast like f1. But the sircuit still suitable for Asian formula 3 super series event. Ater many repairing finally this circuit could held racing like a1grand prix. Sentol international circuit have aer being the host of Asian series talent cup on 2014 and asia road racing championship untl 2018. This sircuit also used as e location of ricing motorcycle Asian disables spports party on 2018. Now, this sircuit often use as automotive activitiec but much more for motorcycle racing and issom car racing event that held every year.

so ledies and gentlemen coud you see on your keft side? There isi sentul international convention centre or SICC is e multifunction meeting hall with 12.000 people capacity that before the name of this is buki sentul convention centre or sentul hill convention centre. Sicc build on 6,4 hectar large yard with large building 22.000 m2. This sicc can contain 11.000 people in main hall and 2.000 people in the other hall. Sicc if a multifunction place that can bee e specialist for acoustic event. Sicc officialled on 15 march 2010. Some of famous singer ever sing at here, example katy perry and Justin beaber on 2011 and 2012.

so ledies and gentlement, in the front there is t junction so if we go to the right we could go to mexico garden, disert in fron of the jungle. The environtment of this garden is a little bit different. If bogor botanical garden known as a jungle inside city because the physical condition of tat garden full of big green trees and the greeny could seen almost at every part. But, ini this maxico garden, there are no one shady trees, some part of the garden ket be opened. Thick grass on the ground change into a gravel and rock. This dry and arid atmoshphere that created for collect any varian of succulent plant. Succulent plant is sone varian plant that can live at dry place. The real habitat of te plant is come from dry and arid place. Of living a life, usuallny this plant have a spare water inside it wood. Succulent can called as some plant that can find in desert area. Because that, no wonder anymore if in this gargen have many kind of cactus, yucca, and agave. Many kind plants heat resitatant come from some of dry area all of the world. There are from sand desert from America, middle east, and middle asia. There are many kind of shape like mini forefer as the characteristic of succulent plants. There is shady, evenm more tall the human, and munch more have a thorn on it leaf and wood. There are dozens succulent plans spread out at this garden. Called as mxico garden because meksico is name of a country in middle America that have some of dry and arid area. One of them sonoran desert have large more that 280.000 km2. North side of mexico sometimes have a temperaturese more than 40 celcius. So In this mexico garden also have some ornament that quite unique have a smell of mexico country. A guy with sombrero is traditional hat of mexico is at these garden. And a guy tap dancer still dancing. Their presence is complete with violin, drum, and banjos. Of course they ar not an exist person but they are a statue that made from many things. Part or their body bandage with vines plants and already coveres it until like a clothes. This person give some self unique for this mexico garden.

well ladies and gentlemen for a while we will entering baogor botanical garden that is the big botany garden with lagre 87 hectar and have 15.000 kind of collction trees and plants. With pay 15.000 per person for ticket and of coure crowded on Saturday, Sunday and holiday. And opened fro 8 am until 5 pm.

Okay ledies and gentlemen, thanks for you information, im so glad to be your guide, becau u know? U are the best tourist that I ever guide before... so I say thank you wih my self eka, trisakti tour and ravel, pak tri and pak otoy. Thankyou very much see you.

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