Sekarang saya akan ulas penggunaan Parrot Linux, Parrot Linux adalah distro yang khusus di desain untuk Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse Engineering dan Hacking, Cloud Pentesting, Privacy Anonimity, Cryptograhphy. Operating System ini berdasarkan pada Debian dan di Bangun oleh Frozen Box Network.
Dalam rilis resminya Parrot ditujukan untuk setiap orang dari mulai amatir sampai dengan Proffesional, karena menyediakan tool yang telah dikombinasi sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah digunakan, ringan untuk pen testing serta dapat digunakan untuk setiap hari.
Untuk OS Parrot nya bisa di download di , ukuranya sekitar 1,8 GB, sampai dengan sekarang sudah dapat versi 1.9 dengan code name CyberLizard.
Adapun fitur fitur lengkap nya adalah :
- Fresh & lightweight pentesting environment
- Easy to use automation tools for beginners
- Must-have professional tools for Pro Pentesters
- Custom tools developed by our team
- External tools developed by our community
- Only a selected set of tools is preinstalled out of the box
- Thousands of other tools are available in our repositories
- Parrot Server Edition
- Parrot Cloud Controller
- Custom installation script for Debian VPS
- Cloud Pentesting concept for file hosting and remote distributed computing
Digital Forensic
- “Stealth” option at boot for no partitions or swap mounting
- Most famous Digital Forensic tools and frameworks out of the box
- Reliable acquisition and imaging tools
- Top class analysis softwares
- Evidence management and reporting tools
- Custom Anti Forensic tools
- Custom interfaces for GPG
- Custom interfaces for cryptsetup
- NUKE patch for cryptsetup LUKS disks
- Encrypted system installation
- AnonSurf
- Whole-system anonymization
- TOR and I2P out of the box
- DNS requests anonymization
- “Change Identity” function for AnonSurf
- BleachBit system cleaner
- NoScript plugin
- UserAgentOverrider plugin
- Browser profile manager
- RAM-only browser profile
- Pandora’s Box – shutdown RAM cleaner
- FALCON Programming Language (1.0)
- System editor tuned for programming
- Many pre-installed compilers/interpreters/debuggers
- Reverse Engineering Tools
- Programming Template Files
- Pre-installed most-used libs
- Cryptocurrency-friendly environment
- Custom compiled wallets available in our software center
- MultiBit
- Bitcoin-qt
- Litecoin-qt
- Feathercoin-qt
- BitLira-qt
- Dogecoin-qt
- Zetacoin-qt
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