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KH Abduhrrahman dan Walisongo

14 Desember 2019   00:39 Diperbarui: 14 Desember 2019   00:40 7
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

KH. Abdurrahman Wahid & Walisongo
A. Biography KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Abdurrahman Wahid, also known as Gus Dur, was born on the 4th day and 8th month of the Islamic calendar in 1940 in Denanyar, Jombang, East Java. Real Islam means he was born on 4 shaytan 1359, or the same as September 7, 1940. His full name is Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil which means "the conqueror".

B. Patterns of Gus Dur's thought

1. multi-colored thinkers
2. Neotraditional
3. Humanists

C. Thought KH. Abdurrahman Wahid about Islam and nationality.

1. Native Islam
Nativeism of Islam that is, Islam as a normative teaching originates from a god that is accommodated into a culture that comes from humans without losing their respective identities. Indigenous Islam is intended to provide opportunities with all the diversity of Islam and culture in each different area of life.

2. Pluralism
In language, the word pluralist comes from Plural English which means plural or many, in the sense of diversity in society, or there are many other things outside our group that must be recognized. In terms, pluralism is not just a plural or plural situation or fact. More than that, pluralism is manifested in an attitude of mutual recognition while respecting, respecting, nurturing and even developing or enriching a plural, plural, or many circumstances.

3. Democracy
Often times we hear the name democracy, from the Greek language is demos and kratos, which means the power or power of the people. Freedom of thought and opinion must be upheld by the community and the government, because the source of democracy is the people, (which is said to be from the people, by the people and for the people) the interests of the people must be fought for by the representatives of the people and the government, not the interests of certain groups or groups.

A. History of Walisongo

Walisongo means nine trustees. The nine guardians in question are Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Dradjad, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, and Sunan Gunung Jati. Although they do not live in the exact same era. But each other has a close relationship, if not in blood ties there is also a close relationship like the relationship between teacher and student. Walisongo era is the era where Hindu-Buddhist domination in Nusantara culture is to be replaced by Islamic culture. They are a symbol of the spread of Islam in Indonesia, especially in Java.

B. Development of the teachings of Sufism by Walisongo

a. Sunni Sufism
Sunni Sufism is a form of Sufism that fences itself with the Qur'an and Al-Hadith strictly, and links their ahwal (state) and maqamat (spiritual level) to these two sources. Sunni Sufism is Sufism that puts forward the practical, then includes morality and charity Sufism. In Sunni Sufism there are three main steps that must be taken to draw closer to Allah SWT:

1. Always watch over the soul (muraqabah) and cleanse it from all impurities.

2. Increase dhikrullah.

3. Zuhud in the world, is not attached to the world and likes the afterlife.

b. Falsafi Sufism
Philosophy Sufism is a concept of Sufism teaching that knows God (ma'rifat) with the ratio approach (philosophy) to go to a higher level, not only knowing God (ma'rifatullah) but higher than that is wihdatul wujud (unity form). It can also be said that philosophical Sufism is Sufism which is rich in philosophical ideas.

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