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3 Main Efforts to be Successfull in Writing

7 Januari 2010   16:27 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:34 60
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Nothing ventured, nothing gain. Many people believe that saying. Everything in this world always needs an effort. Whatever you will catch is to do an effort, for instance: you want to be a writer, absolutely you have to produce some writings. Talking about writing, some think that it is difficult. Thus, to construct a good writing is an impossible thing. How to figure out a theme? How to build sentences to paragraphs? Do not worry; Rome was not built in a day. By doing something impressive to get your dream — not only you can produce a good writing, but also you can be a professional writer – is of good strategies. In this essay, we show you strategies how to make compositions so you will not find difficult things to produce your own writing. It is easy to make your writing delightful if you follow these steps: more practice, find sources, and complete your equipments.

Let us begin by looking at training as an effort to make your writing perfect. There two items that you have to do. Here are writing and reading more. Make sure that you can write whatever you want without stopping. Do not forget to use time duration. The goal is to write sentences as much as possible in specific time (5-10 minutes) without stopping. You do not need to worry about grammar errors or contains, Just write freely. If you can do that regularly, the sense of your writing will come. When writing fast, you will find a lot of mistake than normally. After completing your writing, you can recheck its mechanical grammar, diction, and contains. You can do them in two times because these are very important sections. You can use these ways: First, check your spelling. Are there any punctuation errors, misspellings? Or several words lost because you had already forced your brain to type very fast so you misspelled. If you have done for the first way you can go to the next. Check your writing. Is there any correlation between first paragraph and second paragraph? And so on. You have to check theme and contains, too. Reading some materials such as journals, articles, magazines, and newspapers can add information into your brain. You have to manage your time; try to spend several hours to read more. It is important to add facts into your brain. It is easy to write your paper if you have many ideas, and it can make your writing delightful.

Secondly, a writer who wants to develop his/her writing much more victorious is to find out many sources. Text book, tutor, and surfing the net are sources that you have to discover. Written English text-book is a must. You can learn many things from it. Sometimes, as to understand needs specific time, you have to face it. Buying books is a main priority, burn it your mind! Find your tutors who understand about written English are other sources that you have complete. You have to learn more from them. If you have courageous enough to take their heart, you will get more from them. A write has to familiar with developing advanced technology, such as the Internet. Using the Internet as one of mediums to support your writing helps you out to search data or information accurately. You will detect everything you need as your sources, if you know how to operate it. We purpose that you have to arrange your sites previously because there are a lot of common sites disturbing you, which you will get out there, for example: if you want to write about economics, you have to collect all materials related to it; hence, you do not need to spend many hours to surf the net only.

Lastly, it is a must to prepare your equipments. The equipments that we mean are writing tools, data banks, and writing communities. Writing is really related to stationery stuffs, such as pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, some paper. Consequently, a writer who is of many have writing tools is very excellent. If you have computers, you will enjoy more writing your composition. Dictionaries also help you out. Sometimes you need to put words dealt with ideas into your treatise, so there is no reason not to have dictionaries on hand. The datum banks will help you expand your vocabulary, write correctly, and figure out a theme. You can make your own datum bank. Your idea, experience, anxiety, and boredom sometimes come suddenly. When it is happened, you had better scribble them down into your book. A small book (read: datum banks) is enough to accommodate your ideas. There are two positive reasons when a small book is very important for a writer. First, to train you becomes a braver. The book gives you a freedom to write freely so you are of much more brave to confide into writing. Second, by scribbling down whatever you feel, you are of many writing sources getting ready to be published. For you information that it is not a diary/organizer, but it is a small book having some functions to make you yourself get used to writing. Once more time, we advise that you should seek out a community influencing writing. By joining the community, you will happen upon a lot advantages, for example: you can share with others studying about writing or you can join writing competition which sometimes the community provides. Many writers succeed in creating first-rate compositions because they have the society.

This brings us to the conclusion that to make your writing much more triumph is easy to do. Just go with the steps that we have already mentioned, and you will know that you are good at writing producing a good result.

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