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Eddy Roesdiono
Eddy Roesdiono Mohon Tunggu... Guru Bahasa Inggris, Penerjemah, Copywriter, Teacher Trainer -

'S.C'. S for sharing, C for connecting. They leave me with ampler room for more freedom for writing.



Travel Story Pilihan

Breaking Dawn on the Borobudur

29 Maret 2014   22:04 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   00:18 89
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14 December 2013. It was 10 minutes before sunrise. The top floor of the Borobudur, one out of three floors of the temple, was packed by holidaymakers. Flocks of them had been flowing in since 30 minutes or so earlier. They were there for one reason : to get the best moment of the dawn on the world’s biggest Buddhist temple.

[caption id="attachment_301075" align="aligncenter" width="643" caption="The Borobudur as approached from Hotel Manohara (photo : Eddy Roesdiono)"][/caption]

Then the clock stroke 05.34. The sky on the east horizon slowly turned bright with a mixture of colourful rays the sun can offer. Cameras stood still on their tripods, facing directly to the breaking horizon. Pocket cameras were gripped in hands, eyes on viewfinders. Phoning activities on cell-phones were suddenly halted as the devices then were made busy with the shooting preparation.

[caption id="attachment_301088" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Mystical breaking dawn, gentle sun ray on hazy Borobudur (photo : Eddy Roesdiono)"]


The early morning sun ray started filling the earth, going through the hazy surroundings left by the dawn chill, pouring stupas and the faces and backs Buddha statues. Breathless gazers remained for some good two or three minutes, just to let them perfectly feel the exquisitely stunning moment of breaking dawn sent from an openingof magnificent look of Merapi and Merbabu mounts afar. A bit far left from where I was standing facing the breaking dawn was Sumbing mount whose peak was gently kissed with a mixture of purple-red sun ray.

[caption id="attachment_301080" align="aligncenter" width="388" caption="Mount Sumbing, kiss of sun ray on its peak as the dawn breaks (photo : Eddy Roesdiono)"]


It was truly a perfect breaking dawn; a piece of good escapade from your daily hectic life. A piece of experience you would find very rewarding for the necessity to wake up very early and slightly 'exorbitant' ticket price to catch the unforgettable moment.

Earlier before the sunrise, I woke up at three and left the hotel at Jalan Gejayan Jogjakarta with a group of friends on a minibus, heading north and arrived at Manohara Hotel, located just exactly at the foot of the Borobudur temple. The ticket costs Rp 250,000, a bit too expensive compared to the normal ticket price you buy at the temple gates which is only Rp 30,000.

[caption id="attachment_301081" align="aligncenter" width="290" caption="Some Hong Kong tourist on selfie (photo : Aan Abi Yazid)"]


Each of the temple visitors is required to wear a sarong, a form of respect to the holy temple environment. You will then receive a flashlight as you will have to walk up to the temple in the dark. The sarong and flashlight are rented facilities; you need to give them back upon return.

A guide was ready, for a walk of about 750 meter to the foot of the temple where you further went through the hotel’s private iron gate. The guide left you at the gate, letting you complete your temple exploration on your own.

[caption id="attachment_301082" align="aligncenter" width="445" caption="Some tourists discussing the best pose for photograph (photo : Eddy Roesdiono)"]


Okay, now the sun was quite high. Holidaymakers started making themselves busy with gaze after gaze, with never ending admiration of the magical presence of the pieces of the ancient temple’s structure and sculpture work on the temple walls that depict stages of life. Picture taking and selfie shots were common sights. Like the way I felt, their being there on the right time for the breaking dawn on the Borobudur was priceless.

[caption id="attachment_301085" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Perfect shots can be made any which way you like (photo : Aan Abi Yazid) "]


When you go down and arrive back at the hotel, you will be directed to the hotel’s restaurant where you will drop the sarong and flashlight and receive a paper bag containing a batik shawl as a souvenir before you can help yourself to the light snack and coffee/tea available on the table.

[caption id="attachment_301086" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Yes, the pose is lame. But the sarongs are great, aren"]


I bumped into a young girl, a Hong Kong tourist at the snack bar and I voluntarily asked this question : “How did you enjoy the dawn at the temple?”. She answered with bright eyes and astonished gasp, “Oh, what can I say? It was wonderful, the best dawn in my life. Your country has such a beautiful way of making what happens at the beginning of each day into a memorable one”

Don’t you agree that our country has a lot to offer for a life break and enjoyment?

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