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Navigating the Nexus: How Taxation Can Drive Economic Stability and Climate Resilience

28 Juni 2023   15:27 Diperbarui: 28 Juni 2023   15:37 191
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Sustainability Pillars, Source:

The establishment of the Environmental Funds Management Agency (BPDLH) by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance marks a significant milestone in addressing climate change. BPDLH plays a crucial role in managing environmental funds generated from various sources, including taxes, to support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. These funds are utilized to implement impactful programs that enhance societal well-being and strengthen environmental oversight and management, paving the way for a more sustainable future. One notable program, the Rooftop Solar Power Plant (PLTS Atap), has successfully increased the share of renewable energy nationwide, with an installed capacity of 15,494 kWp for rooftop solar power plants and a potential emission reduction of 68,584 tCO2e.

In tackling the challenges of the cost of living crisis and climate change, the Government has undertaken significant measures that cannot be ignored. Taxation has emerged as a crucial instrument in funding climate change mitigation. Nevertheless, we must go further. It is imperative to promote the swift and sustainable implementation of broader carbon taxes to foster economic stability. By taking this step, we can bravely confront the potential disasters stemming from environmental and natural degradation in Indonesia. The time has come for us to stand together, safeguard our planet, and forge a brighter future.

Referensi :,-pemerintah-bentuk-blu-bpdlh.html

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