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Ilmu Sosbud

Reflections of Love and Hate Bryce Loski on Flipped Novel

20 Januari 2022   22:52 Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2022   23:33 442
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Humans cannot dispute the truth that every person on this planet has something extraordinary in his life. Some people want a big thing, but others, just maybe, want to stay alive. Even though it is to stay alive (there are no more cold things), it also includes a desire or need. Maslow illustrates that humans have conscious and unconscious desires. However, conscious and unconscious desires are also interconnected.(Maslow, 1987)

Hate is the most powerful emotion and symbolizes dislike, hostility, or antipathy to a person, thing, thing, or phenomenon. It is also a wish to avoid, destroy or eliminate(Fischer et al., 2018). According to Maslow, a person needs love and needs, care and love is the fulfilment of the needs of family or affection from a group, Acceptance, understanding, Loving and affection, Intimacy. (Maslow, 1987)

One of Wendellin's works that is enough to make people interested is published in 2021 entitled Flipped. The impact of this novel is quite suitable for Wendelin in his writing this novel. Which was published in New York, was made into a film, and made a significant profit because this novel is a comedy-drama genre, using two points of view so that each chapter has a point of view through Julia and Bryce so that readers are quite interested in reading the novel. 

The novel's theme is that teenage romance is quite interesting for all people, with a funny, sweet, and exciting story. It is just that this novel does not have page numbering, so if it has not been marked, it can forget part of the novel.

The beginning of the storyline features a cheerful little girl who always climbs a tree attracted to a boy with attractive eyes. It turns out that Brcke Loski is a new neighbour and his new school friend. At first sight, Juli feels in love with Loski but has to be disappointed because Loski does not like her and does not give up until she is a teenager, but if things are behind Loski, who likes Juli, will their love story succeed? The novel's storyline conveys that we always live side by side as social humans, so we must respect each other and not look down on every human being.

Bryce Loski's deep love story, which is significantly reversed with the initial meeting with Julian, begins with Bryce, who is afraid of Julian's attitude that always approaches him, which makes him hate him. When the initial meeting, brcye was scared of juli who aggressively wanted to hold her hand.

"There I was, holding the mud monkey's hand!"

From childhood, who did not like Juli to adulthood, with various ways to avoid Juli by establishing a relationship with stelly, Bryce Loski hopes that it won't bother him anymore when dealing with steely Juli.

 "But Juli hated her, and I was going to make this little gem of knowledge the solution to my problem."

Until one situation makes Julian turn away and hate Loski, Loski feels empty when Julia moves away and does not pay attention to him anymore, making him lonely and sad. Nevertheless, on the other hand, Loski feels lonely and loses Julian in his life.

"So I spent the sixth grade somewhere between uncomfortable and unhappy, but I kept thinking that next year, next year, things would be different. We'd be in junior high -- a big school -- in different classes. It would be a world with too many people to worry about ever seeing Juli Baker again. It was finally, finally going to be over."

Bryce hopes that when the basketball boys Juli choose him but Juli chooses Jon, so Bryce can't stand the situation Juli doesn't pay attention to him anymore, so he goes to Juli's table and almost kisses Juli to express his feelings.

"My heart was racing, and his eyes were closing and his face was coming toward mine.... Right there, in front of all the other basket boys and their dates and the adults, he was going to kiss me."

From the story above, the moral value can be drawn that don't hate someone too much because too much is not good. Always respect everyone, don't underestimate and also in this novel it is fascinating to read more.

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