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Ruang Kelas

Spicy and Delicious Seblak Recipe, Must Try!

3 November 2021   18:45 Diperbarui: 3 November 2021   19:14 2002
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Nowadays who doesn't know "Seblak." The soupy food is served from processed crackers doused in a savory, spicy, delicious sauce. This one food is popular because of its spicy taste. Bandung's signature snacks are very popular where all people really like it.

How to make seblak is very easy. Everyone can make it at home with ingredients that are easy to find even in your home. Let's see how to make seblak.

  • Ingredients:

    3 cloves of garlic
    6 cloves of red onion
    7 cayenne pepper (to taste)
    2 large red chilies
    1 segment aromatic ginger (about 4-5 cm)
    1 handful of onion crackers (can be replaced with kwetiau, noodles, or macaroni)
    Mustard greens, sprouts, and cabbage sufficiently (vegetables can be replaced according to taste)
    2 sausages (to taste)
    2 meatballs (to taste)
    1 egg
    1 leek
    5 tablespoons oil
    water sufficietly
    Salt, sugar, and seasoning sufficiently

  • How to make:
  1. Soak crackers and macaroni in hot water (can be boiled). Then, wait until it expands a little bit.
  2. While waiting for crackers and macaroni to expand. Puree the onion, white, aromatic ginger, and chili.
  3. Then stir-fry with 5 tablespoons of cooking oil until fragrant.
  4. Add about 3 cups of water. Wait until it boils.
  5. When it boils add the eggs. Stir briefly until mixed. Then, add all the ingredients.
  6. Cook until it feels cooked. Then add salt, sugar, and seasoning to taste. Stir briefly.
  7. Seblak is ready to be served.

Very easy isn't it? 

What are you waiting for, let's make seblak at home!

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