Two prominent businessmen have ensured to participate as a candidate of chairman in National Convention of Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia). They are Rosan Perkasa Roeslani and Rachmat Gobel.
Both of them are part the recent Kadin organization with a good reputation as an entrepreneur. The first is a deputy chairman for banking dan finance sector, while the later was a former deputy chairman for industry sector before appointing as Minister for Trade.
They have to compet for 132 votes coming from 34 Kadin Provinces dan 30 business associations incorporated in Kadin. Each province has three votes and one vote for each association.
The difference between the candidatures appeared in enrollment of candidate. Rosan was accompanied by 14 chairman of Kadin Provinces and 22 chairman of associations, beside 10 deputy chairman of Kadin Indonesia. On the other hand, Gobel was supported by small numbers of accompanists only. The fact represents Rosan superiority over Gobel.
Afterwards, convention of associations had chosen 30 electors. 22 among them are those who accopanied Rosan during registration. It describes pre munas position between the two candidates  which is Rosan already lead 2-0. Who will lead on the final ballot and become the successor of Suryo Bambang Sulisto? Just wait and see.
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