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Dina Anggraini
Dina Anggraini Mohon Tunggu... -

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Jewish, Jewish

19 November 2011   13:51 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:27 37
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jewish jewish jewish
why are you so snobbish
inside my mind I wish
that this war should finish

eversince Moses asked you to follow
you always laughed and chose to sorrow
don't you ever learn from the past
that each life will eternally last

won't you admit how the red sea was divided
just by the stick with the power of the Almighty
weren't you touched by the story how pharaoh shed his tear
when he overheard a comber stating some phrases from the Koran
but he chose to stand his ground and kept his arrogancy

jewish jewish jewish
It's not you who has the power
It is Alloh subhanahu wata'ala
who has the power over all


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