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Pesona Gadis Korea (Berkunjung ke Rumah Orangtua)

13 September 2023   12:00 Diperbarui: 13 September 2023   12:10 161
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Pesona Gadis Korea (Dok. Didno)

Kali ini giliran Budi mengawali percakapan "I'm already in the office, how about you?". Lalu Kim membalas "Have a good morning. I did some exercise this morning. How was your breakfast? For my breakfast, the maid has prepared it for me".  Budi pun membalas 'I have breakfast with menu nasi kuning with egg".

Kim membalas "Are you going to stay in your office today? I have never seen you visit outside. You always sit in front of the laptop".  Budi membalas bahwa hari ini agak santai dengan membalas "today I am relaxed not in front of the laptop" dengan mengirim foto kegiatan di sekolahnya dan menambahkan tulisan "I see my students doing sport activity".

Kim membalas "Today is your holiday?"  Budi pun membalas "I'm work today" Lalu menambahkan "Are you have in your the office?". Kim pun membalas "I plan to visit my parents today". Budi pun "are your parents sick?". Kim membalas "My parents are fine. I often visit my parents, now I am prepare to go out".  Budi pun membalas "be careful". Kim membalas "See you in the afternoon". Budi pun membalas "See you".

Siang hari Kim sudah sampai di rumah "Hello, what are you doing? I have arrived home now. I am now resting at home". Budi membalas "I just wake up". Kim membalas "Are you taking a nap this afternoon? I also took a nap and rested". Budi pun membalas "Yes I just wake up from taking a nap".

Kim membalas "I have to go out for dinner in a few minutes". Budi pun membalas "Have a nice dinner". Kim menulis pesan lagi "I'm going out now. We will talk again during the night". Budi pun membalas "Be careful on the way".

Kim menanyakan "Have a good evening. I have arrived home now. I have already eaten my dinner. How about your dinner?" Budi membalas "I have already eaten dinner with menu rice and fried chicken".

Kim mengirim pesan kembali "I also went to dinner and met my friend at a restaurant suddenly. It was a little late". Budi menanyakan kondisi lalu lintas di Korea apakah sering macet atau tidak "Are the roads in Korea often jammed?". Lalu Kim membalas "There is damage to the road. It's not often".

Budi pun membalas dan akan memperlihatkan kondisi jalan di tempatnya 'Oh Ok, I'll show you the way to work later".  Kim mengirim pesan kepada Budi "What are you doing now. Are you resting at home?". "yes I am resting at home, I want to make your video with an Indonesian song, do you want it?".

Kim pun membalas "I like it. I saved it as a memory video of you and me". Budi pun mengirim pesan "Please send another photo to me". Kim membalas "Wait".  Budi pun membalas "does the video need me or not?". Kim membalas "It's okay for me to have your pictures in the video because you're going to do it with your country song'. Budi pun menjawab "ok".

Lalu Kim mengirim 13 foto kepada Budi, lalu Budi pun menjawab "Ok", Lalu Budi memberikan pertanyaan berbeda kepada Kim "What traditions or culture are there in Korea?. Tapi rupanya tidak dipahami oleh Kim.

Kim membalas "I am waiting the new video. I don't know how to make you understand", Budi pun membalas "Sorry the question not related? Only question if Indonesia have many traditions". Kim ternyata menanyakan apakah bisa ngobrol tradisi sambil membuat video? Dengan mengatakan "I understand what you are saying. Do you have time to talk about traditions while you're making videos?". Budi pun membalas "yes, I have". Lalu Budi pun mengirimkan link tentang tradisi yang ada di Indramayu.

Lalu Kim membalas "I will study when I have free time". Budi pun mengirim pesan "Ok.. What are yo doing now? Are you doing data analysis?". Kim langsung menjawab ternyata kamu sudah tahu jadwalnya "You also got my schedule haha". Lalu Budi pun menjawab "yess".

Kim pun menjawab "Crypto market trend is uprising starting from yesterday. now, it's sky rocketing after the announcement of USD interest rate form FOMC.It's the best time to do profits" sambil mengirimkan foto pergerakan Cryptonya. 

Budi pun membalas berarti kamu untung banyak dan bisa membeli mobil lagi? "means you get a lot of profit. can buy another car". Lalu kim membalas "I'm aiming to get financial freedom first. Not thinking about buying that I need right now yet". Budi pun membalas "You have the principle of prioritizing needs not wants". 

Kim membalas "as you know we women are the most calculated type in the world'. Kim membalas "I believe you are someone to be calculated in the world". 

Kim membalas "I have a trading node in 45 mins. Would you like to join? I will share you as much as I know about this business. It's will be fun and as a friend this is I should do". Lalu Budi membalas "if someone gives capital I will try". 

Lalu Kim membalas "it's not the business man mindset. Businessman and investor doesn't wait capital or borrow from someone to start their business or investment". Budi pun mohon maaf kepada Kim "I'm sorry because trading is still lay for me". Kim pun membalas "not every one know everything before they experience by themselves. we need to learn or practicing to learn". Budi membalas "true, but definitely requires capital to do so".

Kim membalas "its based on your financial situation. But just for learning I think 200$ is enough. With that 200$ you can learn the trading process and you can calculate how much you get profit easily". Lalu Budi mengirim screenshot "kurs rupiah ke USD". Kim membalas "it that a lot to you?". Lalu Budi membalas "yes because the salary in Indonesia is very small". Kim pun membalas "maybe. But this is an investment so it will involved money if you want to make extra income flow from this trading".

Budi pun membalas "I only get 4.5 million Rupiah = $USD 301,25 per month". Budi membalas "Oops! I'm sorry that I don't know about your financial situation and talk about this". Budi membalas "never mind Kim, I have to be honest with you because Indonesia and Korea are different".  Lalu Budi pun mengirim video yang sudah dibuat untuk Kim.

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