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Diah Trisnamayanti
Diah Trisnamayanti Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pengajar, Ibu rumah tangga, Penulis

I had worked as a teacher at about 23 years. I teach Majoring English in SMK MedikaCom Bandung. Sometime I write in my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Linked, Instagram or Wattpad. I write actually in my spare time after teaching my class. I just wanna to try my positive behavior in order that my students will rise them up more better than me. If I had a lot of trouble to giving lesson, I just send my difficulty to Allah S.W.T.




Mencari Ketertarikan Sebuah Gambar dan Mendapatkan Makna Kehidupan

13 September 2023   13:27 Diperbarui: 13 September 2023   14:05 231
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Oleh Kevin Yoga, Joy, M. Fajar Nur Ihsan, Islamia, Satria Sakti, Andriansyah. M Annas

Penulis-penulis muda dari Ekstrakurikuler English Club SMK MedikaCom 

Asuhan Diah Trisnamayanti

Pembelajaran pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dilakukan 7 siswa ini adalah mengambil foto yang disuka dan menceritakan informasi menarik dari foto sosok itu.  Subhanallahnya, mereka mengambil tidak asal mengambil; mereka belajar mencari ketertarikakn pada gambar bahkan mereka belajar untuk mengambil makna kehidupan terbaik dari sosok di dalam gambar tersebut.

Mereka berupaya untuk menelaah sesuai dengan cara mereka belajar, kemudian mengungkapkan apa yang ada dibenak mereka terkait pilihan gambar dalam bahasa Inggris mereka. 

Semangat anak-anak dalam berkarya di bidang tulis menulis sambil belajar mengembangkan pemahaman jurnalistik!!!


By Kevin Yoga kelas X RPL A

King Minos felt that eternal suffering was an unfair and unreasonable punishment for those whose only sin was loving another. After the Disappearance of God, as angels were lost and Heaven was in chaos, Minos began his efforts to reform the Lust layer.

The Lust renaissance was prosperous, as King Minos guided its inhabitants to come together and build a new civilization. The combined efforts of the countless who had been damned to the second layer bore great results as the grand city of Lust grew and grew.

However, after the Council took control of Heaven and brought stability to it through their iron fist rule, they saw that Minos had gone against God's will by freeing sinners from the punishment that God had designed for them.

Gabriel, the brightest of the angels, was sent to kill Minos. The king, rather than fight back, tried to reason with him, but Gabriel mercilessly struck him down without listening.

As Minos' will was strong enough to attempt to stand up to Heaven's rule, the angels chose to imprison his soul in an attempt to stop it from forming into a prime soul and appointed Gabriel as the new Judge of Hell.

From the prison inside his own body, Minos helplessly watched as his soulless corpse, now controlled by parasites, tore apart everything he had worked so hard to build, cursing his own weakness for failing to protect his people, vowing to take revenge...

Kevin tertarik menuliskan karena King Minos memiliki kekuatan dan Kevin ingin menyampaikan bila dia ingin memiliki kekuatan King Minos agar dapat mempertahankan keinginannya yang terus belajar dalam menggali informasi terkait pembuatan sebuah gim yang tidak membuat anak addicted berlebihan. 


By Joy  Susana Milan X TBG A

Cut Nyak Dhien was a leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh War. She was born in Lampadang in 1848. Following the death of her husband Teuku Umar, she led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years. She was awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero on 2 May 1964 by the Indonesian government.

Joy siswi Kelas Tata Boga X A  sangat tertarik dengan Cut Nyak Dien yang Pemberani. Dia berharap dapat menjadi seorang pemberani yang memperjuangkkan bangsa Indonesia.

By M. Fajar Nur Ihsan X RPL B

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was born in Sampilan, Ngasem, Yogyakarta on April 12th, 1912. His real name is Bendoro Raden Mas Djorodjatun. Hamengkubuwono IX was the ninth child of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII and Raden Ajeng Kustilah. He was educated in Yogyakarta, MULO in Semarang, and AMS in Bandung. In 1930 he enrolled at Rijkuniversiteit (now Universiteit Leiden), the Netherlands. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was crowned as the Sultan of Yogyakarta on March 18th, 1940

Various palace traditions that were not good were abolished and new cultural alternatives were created. In addition, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX also has a high national insight. Even though he received western education from the age of four, the sultan found many alternatives to organize the culture of the Yogyakarta Palace in the future. In his coronation speech as Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, there are two important things that show this attitude. First, is a sentence that reads: "Even though I have a Western education, first of all I am and remain a Javanese." so that I work to fulfill the interests of the motherland, limited knowledge and abilities that I have.

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX is the founding father of Indonesian Scouts. Many things have been done for this Nation, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was named a National Hero of Indonesia on June 8th, 2003 by President Megawati Soekarnoputri. SriSultan Hamengkubuwono IX is one example of a leader that Yogyakarta and Indonesia have had. Hopefully it can be an inspiration to us all. Especially for future young people.

Setelah menemukan berbagai foto yang banyak mulai dari suasana sekolah di masa SMP sampai dengan para pahlawan, Fajar memilih Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Buat dia, Sri SUltan Hamengkubuwono IX adalah sosok raja yang merakyat, Fajar berharap dapat belajar banyak tentang sikap seorang raja yang dihormati rakyatnya, tegas, berkharisma, dan bijak menghadapi persoalan daerah, negara serta bangsanya.


by Islamia Rosa Putri Surya X RPL B

Raden Ajeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. Ngasirah, Kartini's mother, was the daughter of a religious scholar.

To her, the ideal education for a young woman encouraged empowerment and enlightenment. Kartini also promoted their lifelong pursuit of education.

Kartini corresponded with feminist Stella Zeehandelaar regurally as well as numerous Dutch officials with the authority to further the cause of Javanese women's emancipation from oppressive laws and traditions.

Kartini's letters also expressed her Javanese nationalist sentiments. Kartini died in the regency of Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child on September 17, 1904.

Abendanon, published Kartini's letters, entitled "From Darkness to Light: Thoughts About and on Behalf of the Javanese People" seven years after her death.

In Indonesia, Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini's birthday, April 21.

Islamia nama panggilannya, siswi kelas X Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL) ini, sangat perduli dengan sikap feminis dari seorang RA. Kartini. Dia menganggap pahlawan wanita yang sangat bernilai adalah Ibu Kartini. Beliau menginspirasinya untuk menjadi wanita tangguh yang feminin dalam mengahadapi problematika kehidupan.


By Satria Sakti XI RPL A

So, let me drop you this epic tale about Alexander the Great. This dude was like the OG boss of ancient times, repping Macedonia (which is Greece now). And let me tell ya, he's got a rep as one of the all-time military legends.

So, back in the day, when he was a young gun, his pops King Philip II was all like, "Yo, this kid's got some serious brainpower and guts." Alexander was a quick learner, and guess who his tutor was? None other than the big shot philosopher Aristotle himself.

Now, picture this: King Philip II tosses young Alex a wild stallion called Bucephalus. This horse was straight-up untamable, but guess who manages to tame it? Yup, you guessed it, our boy Alex. His dad was like, "Kid, with skills like that, you should be running your own kingdom."

Fast forward, Alexander takes the throne after his old man bites the dust. And let's be real, he had big shoes to fill. He goes on a world tour of conquering, taking over kingdoms left and right, expanding his empire like a boss.

Satria atau Sakti biasanya dipanggil oleh teman-temannya. dia tertarik menelaah sosok Alexander the Great karena buat dia, tokoh ini menginspirasi jalan pikiran manusia agar menjadi manusia seutuhnya. Kekuatan Alexander The Great itu sendiri menjadikan dia termotivasi untuk belajar terkait filosofi pemikiran yang ada di dunia. Kritisnya mendalami pemikiran berbagai konseptor dunia adalah sisi lain yang ingin dia pelajari. Setidaknya dia ingin membawa angin perubahan dalam menjalani kehidupan sebagai siswa SMK.


By Andriansyah Ridwan Putra Pratama X TKJ A

King Arthur was a legendary figure from British folklore and mythology. He was believed to have been a medieval British leader who, according to various stories, led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the 5th or 6th century. The stories of King Arthur are often intertwined with magic, chivalry, and the Knights of the Round Table.

The most famous account of King Arthur's life comes from Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Historia Regum Britanniae" (History of the Kings of Britain), written in the 12th century. This work introduced many of the elements that have become central to the Arthurian legend, including Arthur's birth at Tintagel, his sword Excalibur, his advisor Merlin, and his wife Guinevere.

Other key elements of the Arthurian legend include the Knights of the Round Table, a group of noble knights who were said to be Arthur's most trusted companions. These knights embarked on quests and adventures, striving to uphold the values of chivalry and honor. Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, and Sir Percival are.

Andriansyah siswa kelas X TKJ A yang cenderung senang bercanda ini, mengagumi King Arthur lantaran gim yang banyak dia mainkan. Dia menganggap King Arthur adalah tokoh ksatria yang menginspirasi bagaimana seharusnya seorang laki-laki agar mampu bertahan dalam berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi. 

By Muhammad Annas Ibrahim


Abbas ibn Firnas was born in the 9th century, in 810 Izn-Rand-Onda Al Andalus, present-day Ronda, Spain. He was around 65-70 years old when, according to historians, he jumped off a cliff from Yemen's Jabal Al-Arus mountain with the help of a pair of wings made from silk, wood and real feathers, allowing him to glide in the air and stay in flight for more than 10 minutes.

This first attempt left Abbas ibn Firnas injured and disappointed. Although he achieved the act of flying, he failed to consider the logic behind the landing. He lost his balance during the flight in the air, causing him to crash land and incur serious injuries. Even though he had never been able to fly again, his flying machine diagrams led to the invention of the cornerstones of aviation engineering in the late 20th century.

In the field of astronomy, he designed a mechanised planetarium in which there were revolving planets moving in relation to each other. Abbas ibn Firnas also worked on sand and quartz crystals to discover their nature

Annas ingin menyampaikan kepada teman-temannya bagaimana dia terisnpirasi dengan Abbas Ibn Firmas yang memiliki kemampuan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menemukan mesin pesawat dengan cara mempraktikan ilmunya dalam keseharian agar manusia bisa bermanfaat untuk manusia lain. 

Terimakasih anak-anakku yang penuh dedikasi belajar bahasa Inggris kalian melalui foto yang kalian suka. Good Job!!!!

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