Mohon tunggu...
Diah Trisnamayanti
Diah Trisnamayanti Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pengajar, Ibu rumah tangga, Penulis

I had worked as a teacher at about 23 years. I teach Majoring English in SMK MedikaCom Bandung. Sometime I write in my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Linked, Instagram or Wattpad. I write actually in my spare time after teaching my class. I just wanna to try my positive behavior in order that my students will rise them up more better than me. If I had a lot of trouble to giving lesson, I just send my difficulty to Allah S.W.T.




Dear Winds

5 Januari 2022   00:30 Diperbarui: 5 Januari 2022   00:38 216
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dok Pribadi four angles

all mess without rest 

the ruin goods, things, human lay down  never use a mask

Winds, would you accept my favor

be your friend

talking about your exhausting work each second.

your voice is beautiful to feel my hearth

when the sun is hot to brighten my bold ground

enjoy your breezing winds

till I sleep 


Medio, 5 January 2022

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Mohon tunggu...

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