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"Online Transportation, Series of Advantages"

23 April 2018   16:52 Diperbarui: 25 April 2018   13:34 5262
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Mobility is considered as the ability to move easily and it plays a big role in our life. As the time goes by, technology makes it easier to move from one place to another by using an online transportation. Because of technology, now we can order a taxi service through an application. After ordering, the driver will be informed about our location and come as soon as we ordered. In the past few years, with the rising demand for fast transportation in Jakarta, the use of online transportation is highly demanded (Yuliantari 2017).  Simplicity the application gives and the speed of the travel time are main highlights of choosing an online transportation. Moreover, online transportation also brings an enormous number of advantages that need to be discovered by everyone. 

The first advantage is safety. Compared to the conventional transportation, online transportation clearly excel the conventional transportation because there is no such thing as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the conventional services. In the past few years, the number of the traffic accident in Indonesia is increasing, one of the main reason is that the rising of motorcycle users (Azizah 2016). But here, consumers can feel safe while using the service of online transportation because the drivers have undertaken a test of safety riding from their company. 

Safety riding is riding a motorcycle behaviour by giving priority to the safety of themselves and other road users (Prima, Bima, dan Ekawati 2015). Moreover, the vehicles they use are expected to always be in a good condition because the company has set standards for what vehicles that can be used by the driver to pick up customers.  It is all because online transportation company wants to make sure that they have the value---making their customers feel comfortable, so we'll have no doubt when choosing what should we ride. This is clearly a huge advantage for customers because online transportation always put safety first on their business so it is not necessary to feel terrified.

Online transportation is now competing in providing a wider range of services so we can get anything we want from the application. We can take a look at GO-JEK. They offer many services such as GO-FOOD, GO-SEND, GO-CLEAN, GO-MART, GO-MED, and so on. GO-FOOD is a delivery food service collaborating with approximately 75,000 restaurants all over Indonesia, with GO-SEND our package will be delivered directly to the address we put in the application (GOJEK 2018). All these derivations from services provided by online transportation really helpful to fulfil our daily needs.

With the presence of online transportation in Indonesia, the growth of our economy is improving. The rate of unemployment has been proven to be decreasing because of the online. Data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) shows economic growth in the third quarter of 2016 which reached 5.02% with 530,000 decreasing of Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) to 7.03 million people, Head of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kecuk Suhariyanto, said this happened more or less because of online transportation, especially in big cities (Supriyatna 2016). 

Since the company needs many drivers, it opens massive job opportunity to the people who want to join them as their driver. Furthermore, the business also provides higher income rather than the region's minimum wage. There's even a research that made by the Demographic Institution Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia which says that GO-JEK is considered to have contributed Rp 8.2 trillion per year to the national economy from the earnings of their drivers (Rahman 2018). Nadiem Makarim, the CEO of GO-JEK said that now GO-JEK is a massive company in Indonesia, it hired 1,5 million people all over Indonesia, he also stated that the wage of GO-JEK's driver is around 4 million rupiah which is more than the Jakarta's minimum wage (Kusuma 2017). So this is clearly a huge advantage provided by online transportation to the nation.


Azizah, Mutiara Hikmatul. 2016. "Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Keselamatan Berkendara (Safety Riding) pada Mahasiswa." Skripsi, Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Ernis, Devi., Maya Ayu Puspitasari. 2015. "Ini Alasan Taksi Konvensioal Tolak Transportasi Online."

Gojek Indonesia. 2018. "Jenis-Jenis Layanan Gojek." Accesed 22 April.

Kusuma, Hendra. 2017. "Pendapatan Sopir Gojek Rata-rata Rp 4jt Sebulan." gojek-rata-rata-rp-4-juta-sebulan

Prima, Dine Wahyu., Bina Kurniawan, Ekawati. 2015. "Faktor-faltor yang Berhubungan Terhadap Perilaku Safety Riding pada Mahasiswa Fakultas X Universitas Diponegoro." Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Vol 3, No 3: April 2015.

Rahman, Adi Fida. 2018. "Driver Go-Jek Sumbang Rp 82 Triliun Ekonomi Nasional." rp-82-triliun-ekonomi-nasional.

Supriyatna, Iwan. 2016. "BPS Sebut "Ojek Online" Mampu Tekan Angka Pengangguran"

Yuliantari, Kartika. 2017. "SWOT dalam Menentukan Strategi Pemasaran pada PT  Gojek Indonesia." Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen, Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Maret 2017.

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