A. Introduction
Culture is an ancestral heritage passed down from generation to generation. Efforts and a strong desire to preserve the culture and customs that have been adhered to for centuries have become the capital of every next generation. Culture is defined as the knowledge, beliefs, values, and meanings that a group, organization, or community believes to be its unique way of life.
Cultural expression is usually through behavior, such as language, norms, habits, and how to interact or communicate with other people. Communication and culture have a reciprocal relationship, like two sides of a coin. Culture becomes part of communication behavior, and in turn, communication also determines maintaining, developing, or passing on culture: "Communication is Culture and Culture is Communication" (Edward T. Hall, 1959).
The introduction of customs, culture, and the history of the development of an area is important not only for that area but also for all Indonesian people. It is important not only in terms of studying the historical past, origins, and noble cultural values but also in terms of its future uses.
Basically, South Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a diverse culture. There are several different ethnicities, namely the Bugis, Konjo, Makassar, Mandar, and Toraja tribes. Even though they are different, these five ethnicities still uphold the value of difference, which is contained in the four pillars of nationality, one of which is Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
The process of marriage cannot be separated from the culture that is understood by society. Culture can be felt through communication so that it has the meaning of the culture itself. Communication and culture have a reciprocal relationship, where culture becomes part of communicative behavior and communication, in turn, defines, preserves, develops, or transmits culture.
Different ethnic encounters require communication skills to understand and appreciate the differences between the two cultures. The existence of Bugis ethnic couples with Konjo in Bulukumba is a meeting of different ethnic elements. A good communication process can help them understand each other, so not a few people think that communicating with different cultures is not difficult. Conversely, if the communication process is bad, it will also have a bad impact.
Many journals discuss that social and cultural factors can influence divorce. One of them is due to intercultural marriages with different ethnic backgrounds. There are conflicts and barriers in this form of communication. This ethnically different couple experiences misunderstanding barriers based on ways of thinking, differences in perception, and differences in language and non-verbal communication. Nonverbal communication errors are caused by cultural differences.
These cultural differences refer to the emergence of conflict in the context of interpersonal relationships between couples of different ethnicities. Therefore, based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the research problem is as follows:
1. What is the process of intercultural communication to deal with couples of different ethnicities?
2. How are the interactions carried out by these different ethnic pairs in resolving conflict?
3. What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of intercultural communication between couples of different ethnicities?
The aims of this study are:
1. To find out how the process of intercultural communication between the Bugis and Konjo ethnic pairs resolves cultural differences.
2. To understand the kinds of interactions these different ethnic couples make in resolving a conflict.
3. To identify the supporting and inhibiting factors in the intercultural communication of different ethnic pairs.
B. Research Methods
This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Description is a survey that investigates situations, conditions, situations, events, activities, etc. and the results are presented as a survey report (Arikunto, 2013:3). Qualitative research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions (natural setting) (Sugiyono, 2019).
The data collection technique in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires through Microsoft forms and the subjects selected in this study were husband and wife who belong to the Bugis and Konjo ethnic groups and live in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi.
C. Research Results and Discussion
1. The Process of Intercultural Communication in Overcoming Cultural Differences
The discussion about communication will begin with the assumption that communication is related to human needs and the fulfillment of needs to interact with other humans. This need for social relations is fulfilled through the exchange of messages which serves as a bridge to unite humans who without communicating would be isolated. Â
Messages or various information related to life in families of different ethnic couples are conveyed in various ways, one of which is the use of language that is acceptable to both parties. According to Finocchiarno (1964: 8), language is an arbitrary vocal symbol system, allowing all people in a particular culture, or other people who have studied that cultural system to communicate or interact. Â
Based on the results of the study, two out of five respondents of different ethnic couples between the Bugis and Konjo ethnicities in Bulukumba chose to communicate using Indonesian as their first language, which is used to convey information to their partner with the aim that it is easy to understand and there is no miscommunication. Indonesian is the national language so that it can be accepted and understood by various tribes in Indonesia. Â
Three of the respondents, a couple of different ethnicities, between the Bugis and Konjo ethnicities, tried to understand the culture and language in their partner's area, appreciate and respect differences by opening themselves up to learn from one another.
2. Communication between Different Ethnic Couples in Resolving Conflicts
In a marriage bond, communication is the main factor to build harmony. In married couples, of course, they communicate to overcome conflict naturally when it comes to their relationship (Littlejohn, 2011: 298). Communication is an important thing in a marriage bond, because humans are social beings who will always communicate until the end of their lives, therefore communication itself is said to be crucial in life. Â
This study found that in different ethnic marriage couples, the objects of conflict occurred between them stemming from things such as language differences which can lead to misunderstandings, differences in customs, and differences in values and norms in a culture. Â
Based on the results of the research questionnaire, which was carried out by couples of different ethnicities between the Bugis and Konjo ethnicities in resolving conflicts, namely using Indonesian to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication, respecting different perspectives, and trying to understand and learn their language and culture from one another.
3. Supporting Factors and Barriers to Intercultural Communication Couples of Different Ethnicity
From the results of the questionnaires distributed, it can be seen that in the communication process carried out by different ethnic marriage couples between the Bugis and Konjo ethnicities, there are supporting and inhibiting factors. Â
The supporting factors in intercultural communication between different ethnic pairs are:Â Â
1) The ability to understand and learn the language and culture of each other. It can be seen from several respondents who are trying to understand and learn the language and culture of their partners. Â
2) There is an attitude of mutual trust, mutual respect, and respect for differences between each other which is applied by several couples. Â
3) There is a willingness to adapt in each partner's environment. It can be seen that some respondents are willing to adapt to their partner's environment. Â
The inhibiting factors in intercultural communication between different ethnic pairs are:Â Â
1) There are language differences that can lead to misunderstandings or miscommunication between different ethnic marriage partners. Â
2) There are differences in culture/customs between the Bugis and Konjo ethnic pairs which must be adapted to each other's culture/customs. Â
3) There is an attitude of mutual disrespect. It can be seen from one of the respondents who sometimes feels unappreciated.
D. Conclusion
1. The communication process in the marriage of the Bugis and Konjo Ethnic couples in Bulukumba runs harmoniously. The Bugis ethnic group, who have lived in their partner's environment for years, do not experience any difficulties and get used to adapting to their partner from the Konjo ethnic group. Interactions between actors in different ethnic marriages often use Indonesian to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication between one another. The communication process related to communicators, messages, media, and communication effects that occur in Bugis and Konjo ethnic marriages runs effectively.
2. In different ethnic marriage couples, the objects of conflict that occur between them stems from things such as language differences which can lead to misunderstandings, differences in customs, and differences in values and norms in a culture. However, they resolve their conflicts by using Indonesian to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication, respecting different perspectives, and trying to understand and learn their language and culture from one another.
3. Supporting factors are adaptability, mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual understanding. Cultural differences are not a barrier for the Bugis and Konjo ethnic groups to unite in marriage. The Bugis and Konjo Ethnic Couples try to understand each other's culture by studying the culture of their partner by asking each partner about their partner's culture. The obstacle in the process of communication between the Bugis and Konjo ethnic groups is language. Language is the main obstacle in communication between the two ethnic groups because misunderstandings often occur in receiving the message conveyed. The solution in dealing with the communication problem of different ethnic couples between the Bugis and Konjo ethnicities is to use a language that can be understood by both parties, namely Indonesian.
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