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Ilmu Sosbud

Psycholinguistics, Building Strong Language Skills from an Early Age

24 Oktober 2024   11:12 Diperbarui: 24 Oktober 2024   11:40 55
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

- Read to Your Child: Read children's stories to your child routinely. Pointing to pictures and explaining the story helps children connect words with meaning.

- Role-Play: Role-playing activities, such as playing doctor or store, help children learn to use language in different contexts.

- Create a Rich Language Environment: Provide children with access to various language resources, such as storybooks, children's songs, and educational television programs.

- Give Opportunities for Speaking: Give children opportunities to speak and express themselves, even if they are still learning. Encourage them to tell their experiences and ask questions.


The Importance of Early Intervention:


Children who have difficulty learning language may need early intervention. Speech-language pathologists and therapists can help these children develop language skills through specially designed programs. Early intervention can help children overcome language learning challenges and reach their full potential.




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