First of all, I would like to say good morning.
As you know, yesterday I said that that the global COVID-19 outbreak can now be described as a pandemic.
This is not a decision we took lightly.
We have made this assessment for two main reasons: first, because of the speed and scale of transmission.
Almost 125,000 cases have now been reported to WHO, from 118 countries and territories. In the past two weeks, the number of cases reported outside China has increased almost 13-fold, and the number of affected countries has almost tripled.
The second reason is that despite our frequent warnings, we are deeply concerned that some countries are not approaching this threat with the level of political commitment needed to control it.
Let me be clear: describing this as a pandemic does not mean that countries should give up. The idea that countries should shift from containment to mitigation is wrong and dangerous.
On the contrary, we have to double down.
Dari 3C, maka C yang kedua adalah Control. Kendati baru saja mengumumkan bahwa terjadi Pandemi karena Covid-19, tetapi Dr. Tedros tetap menyampaikan bahwa ini adalah pandemi yang dapat dikontrol.
Tentu saja dia menambahkan perlunya setiap negara untuk terus berjuang melawan virus dan pandemi penyakit ini. Sebab, disampaikan juga olehnya, tanpa upaya yang terukur, maka dampaknya akan lebih besar dan masalah akan membesar.
Selain itu, disampaikan pula saran kepada negara-negara di dunia untuk menyeimbangkan upaya kesehatan, ekonomi, sosial, dan penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia.