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Darmayasa Darma
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Realizing A Diamond Gift of God

30 Maret 2020   02:46 Diperbarui: 30 Maret 2020   02:50 69
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In daily life, God is pouring his blessings upon us, like rain. A rain of blessings, of good things, but we don't understand the importance of these blessings. 

Many things in our daily life, we ignore in an easy way. We need to understand this mistake...we are doing a great mistake, ignoring the priceless blessing of God. Of course, God gives blessings every day if we understand it. Also, God gives us lots of chances to make good progress in life but we are ignoring this in an easy way.

I will give you one This body cannot move, cannot be alive without food. Right? Without food, we cannot live. This body will die after a few days. But what happens in our daily life? God blesses us with lots of food. We cook well, but we eat only a little and throw half or more away to the dust bin. In a very easy way, with no guilt. This is a small example of us ignoring the blessing of God, with no guilt. We are wasting God's blessing.

I learnt how to respect the blessing of God in the form of food through a family in India. In 1984, November or December...I met them. They let me stay in their house for three months, feeding me for the whole time. 

I saw them cooking very little, and they gave me, and all the family members only a little food. I was thinking they are very stingy. They cook and distribute only a little. But once we ate then they gave more of other items. And the amount of food they cooked was enough to satisfy us all. They never wasted food. 

They prepared little but enough. Nowadays in general, people cook extra...and half a bag will be thrown away. We feel we are being generous with that way of life. But actually we can see how many people in the world have no food, even when working hard. They work hard but can't get enough food. And we are not working too hard, but food comes yet we waste it.

This is just one example, there are many more.

Another example is this life. God gave us life, but we are wasting it in material enjoyment. Every day we waste our time watching television. Other than television, we also have movies, youtube, and checking our Facebook all day. 

We are wasting our time, we don't understand the value of our life. We can still enjoy life, but we need to give time for our sadhana, time for spiritual practice. Not 4,5 or 3 hours, just give ten minutes every day. Only 5 or 10 minutes every day for spiritual practice will change our life.

So we don't understand the blessing of God, in the form of this life, we just use it for material enjoyment and we think this enjoyment will give us happiness. 

Material enjoyment is offering you happiness, the box of happiness, but inside the box is empty. All material things and enjoyment are just teasing you. 

Come, come, come....then once you come close Mike Tyson comes to punch you. Come, come, this is love, after two or three weeks (punch)...all kinds of pain will come. Material things are only teasing you, real happiness we can get only through these ten minutes daily, that you give for yourself. 

But we have no time. "I am busy". Usually, we have no time to do meditation, and we have many reasons and excuses. "Excuse me God". But when you have pain, "please God". So we don't understand the value of this gift, priceless gift, life itself.

I used to say that I read somewhere in ancient scriptures, that even demigods are in the queue to get a human body. Because from heavenly planets they cannot go for liberation, they have to go to this karma bhumi, where you can create your karma. Karma, akarma, sukarma, vikarma. 

Here we can create, we can go across the heavenly planets, to liberation...through this that we are ignoring. The priceless gift of God, this life. We are wasting this life in many ways. 

We have 2/3000 ways to say, "sorry, I have no time to do meditation". But actually this meditation will give us a perfect life materially and spiritually, if we are sincere with the practice, even just ten minutes daily. 

So out of the 24 hours that God has given us per day, we need to take only 10 minutes sincerely, for ourselves. Not for God or for others, but for ourselves. 

This will give us very good health, good peace of mind and bring us to the right path in life. Believe me that we are in this group, the group of excuses. 

"Excuse me God, I have no time, I am busy". We all have good, good reasons. I will say "I am typing, God please I am sorry I have no time for meditation". Yasmin will say "God I am busy with my mobile".

So I have given you two examples of how we are wasting God's blessings. One is about food, how we cook good food but we eat little and waste the rest. And the other is about our life. We need to understand that God is giving special blessings all the time, if we catch only one, this will save our life. 

So now we need to create this, the ability to be alert. God is giving us diamonds, not ordinary things. Food is a diamond, life is a diamond...whatever you see in life is a diamond. 

God has given you a car..its a diamond. You can use this not only for material purposes but also to come to meditation. Whatever we have in this a diamond. Only we need to understand how kind God is. Giving us these priceless gifts.

Like an eagle, we need to have a very sharp sight. From far away they can see even a small mouse. We need to have a very sharp and divine sight to see the blessings in our life, like this body.

We have very limited time to stay in this world. We don't know how much time we have left, even if we think its years. We don't understand that time passes so quickly...we don't have time. 

Be careful with this not waste it. Do good things. In divine love, we are trying to create a divine life. Whatever we do every day should be divine. 

As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, this first opening should be divine. How? In my room should be good things, and then from my mouth, lips and mind should come good, good things.

I will say, Narayana as soon as I wake up. I will say Hallelujah, Allah Akbar,,,, whatever you want just take one of God's holy name. O, Mother Maria. 

Start and make your morning, from the moment when you open your eyes and lips...divine. This is divine life. To come to divine love you need to make all your activities divine. 

You will take a bath in the morning, do it in a divine way. When you go to the toilet, do it in a divine way. When you use only tissue paper, that is not divine. You should use water to clean yourself, with tissue paper you are not really clean, you need water. Water has the power to make you clean and divine. 

When you light a candle do it in a divine way. When you eat or it in a divine way. We don't understand how many more years we will be a guest in this world. Do not dream that you have a hundred years. Understand that life is very short, in this short life how will we use it? For the benefit of ourselves and others. That is the only thing we can do.

All famous people, they come to this world only to leave again. And nobody takes their sword with them, their house, their car...we bring nothing. They all left this world bringing nothing. 

Thousands of years later somebody will remember them in a good way if they do good. Until now people still remember great personalities who had done good for others, for the world, for all living beings on this earth. 

So when you do good, people will remember. So lets use this rest of our life in a divine way. Everything we do every day we make it divine. A divine life will bring us to divine love. 

Do not dream that you will come to divine love without making your daily activities divine.. Everything we do should be divine. For example, if you are can you come to divine love? Of course, we will not say don't smoke. But do ten minutes meditation, then from inside understanding will come.

We have this bottle, you can say it is half empty or half full. I prefer to say it is half full. When you say it is half empty you come to a negative way. If you say I don't want to smoke, the more you will do this. But when you do meditation, from inside understanding will come because your mind is clean. 

The more your mind is clean the more divine things will come to your consciousness, then you will see that a cigarette is nothing. I told you already, I can drink the best drinks in the world, but I don't have that wish. I lived for two years with black and red label whiskey under my bed. But I never had a desire to try it, because I understand what it is. 

So just give your attention to doing meditation, then all minus points will leave slowly from your life. Keep your attention to your meditation. Don't think about what is bad, what is a sin, what you don't want to do. Do good things, charge yourself. (Darmayasa)

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