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The Definition of Azan

10 Mei 2015   15:33 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   07:11 140
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The term of azan is the form of “ta’adzin” which has a meaning “information”. According to Al Fayyumi in his dictionary, Al Misbahul Munir, Azan means the calling from muadzin which sounded to do prayer and told that prayer time is begun.

So, the etimology term of azan is giving an information. In the other side, it has derivation term of azzana yuazzinu ta’dzinan which means “hearing”. The conclusion, azan is an information that must be heard and done.

Based on Al Hafidz ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani’s opinion, azan means a giving information to carry out prayer with some words specifically determined by syari’at.

The History of Azan

Azan is one of the spreading ways to enlarge Islamic teaching and learning around the world. By azan, all Moslems will know when the prayer  will be carried out. Knowing the time to pray, they will be able to do prayer on time cohesively.

The first azan was sounded in Madinah after Hijrah event. It refers to some opinions that it happened in the first Hijriyah instead of the second Hijriyah.

So far we know, being a good Moslem, the obligation of doing five-time prayer begun in Prophet Muhammad era, coinciding perfectly with Isra’ Mi’raj event. Nevertheless, at that time, all Moslems do prayer without being begun by the signal of adzan. This happened before applying Hijrah instruction. It is possible, however, to all Moslems to know and recognize prayer time and do it compactly and soon. After finishing Hijrah, the number of Moslems in the world is increased and crowded. Thus, azan must be sounded to inform them all.

Bilal, the first Muadzin in islam.

Bilal bin Rabbah was the the first Muadzin whom Islam ever had. He also included the first group entering islam called As sabiquna awwalun. Bilal recognize and believe in Islam when he was still a servant of Umayyah bin Khallaf. Umayyah was familiar at his vicious and greed. He was accustomed to torture Bilal dyingly. One day, Abu Bakar got him to see Rasulullah Peace be upon to Him soon in order that he was interested enough in  believing on Islamic religion. He said Syahadat, as the approval of welcoming Islam and being the good Moslem. In the middle, Umayyah finally knew what Bilal hid along time during being his servant. Forcefully, Umayyah forced him hard to leave Muhammad’s religion. Absolutely, Bilal avoided his invitation and kept on his own belief because he really convinces that Islam was a vincible religion truthfully. Thus, Umayyah seemed to be angry and turtures him for many times directly.

Abu Bakar walked around in the village and run into Umayyah’s house while looking at a hard torment to Bilal. Having a sadness, Bilal moved up his heart enthusiastically to free him perfectly in order to release from a torment. Finally, Bilal felt free and would keep on his fighting in Islam seriously to learn it more and more. Bilal had been chosen by Rasulullah as the Muadzin because he had a melodious voice which can be heard all other Moslems outside.

Neil Amstrong

We surely know that the first astronaut stepping his own feet in the surface of moon is Neil Amstrong. But do you know that he has declared his faithful belief on Islam because of something happened in the moon? It is exactly all right, even though he had to be able to have a great risk,resigning out of his corps. However, he realized and accepted this all warmly and ensured himself that this was a great deal he made before. Why? Because he found “Allah”, the Greatest One.

A true story about Neil Amtrong can be concluded here as one of some people’s opinion:

After having a trip around the moon, Neil Amstrong visited to Cairo, Egypt. While he was walking surrounding that ancient town, he was surprised by a familiar sound he had ever heard before. More near to know, he was in more curious closely. He found an unbelievable moment which was the same he got in the moon. The sound of Azan, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, had been there. Surprisingly, he was still in doubt of his awareness. His curiosity forced him to have more understanding about that situation. He asked to the Moslem trip guider of what he was listening to. Fortunately, he was a Moslem, and he told to him about Azan completely. Amstrong was surprised enough till he could not stop his wonder at moment and was only amazed for his response. At last, after hearing a lot information, Amstrong announced his belief in Islam instead of getting some risks for other things. He declared undoubtedly that he had ever heard that sound when stepping at the first time in the moon. Subhanallah.

The psycological influence of Azan

1.Azan is the exclusive characteristic of spreading Islam.

We have already known that azan is a sign or mark to start the time for prayer. There are some people’s  opinions to determine it. They may have said it should mark by bell to inform people, but furthermore, it is like Christian’s custom. Others said it is possible to use a horn which is more louder like Jewish. But  some refused and blocked it all. Finally, Allah shows the way and gives an instruction to Abdullah ibn Zaid to perform Azan as the mark of prayer.

Azan is sounded in the world over all periodically. Surprisingly, it is filled the air many times in turns and continuously. Based on research, every single place around the world from southern till northern has sounded it regularly without any stopping at all. It means that whenever we go we must hear this power even in other countries exactly.

2.Azan emerges Satan’s fortress

This Islamic spreading, azan, has a lot of influence to block Satan’s persuasion and merges its fortress.  Absolutely, Satan will not hear this entrenchment. Why? Because azan is a great call powerfully to bring all Moslems to get a luck in paradise, in the contrary Satan will invite someone to go to the hell. Satan will run as soon as possible when hearing the sounding.

3.The magical power of sounding azan for a born baby.

Sayyid Sabiq explains in Fiqh al Sunnah subject, azan is highly allowed to sound when the baby has just born at the moment in the right and left ear. This work has a purpose in order that baby is going to hear  Allah’s Name in the first time. Usually, when the baby is about to bore, stan will stay away beside him and wait for the time being. For this, the candidate of father must close himself to the baby while sounding azan.

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