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Ilmu Sosbud

Choose One! Failed or Success

27 Desember 2022   14:28 Diperbarui: 27 Desember 2022   14:53 117
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Hello great teens!

How are you today? Have you pondered and thought about what will you do? Have you arranged a big plan to be achieved in the future? If so, how will you make it true? Are you ready to accept the failure of that plan? Yes, everything must be carefully prepared. However, if you still experience failure then it is beyond our control as a planner.

You need to realize that life does not always go straight. All the twists of life will make your life beautiful and colorful. Without failure, you will not know what it feels like to be disappointed and cry. Then, what do you do when you get failed in achieving something? All of the respondents that responded to my survey said that they cried, being disappointed, depressed, and crushed when they failed. Furthermore, more than 20% of them said that they will give up and never plan to fight again. Crying and feel disappointed is something natural when you get failure. But you must think that there are many steps ahead after your tears.

Many people assume that failure is the root of not achieving their dreams. Even though the reality is not. This could happen because of their fault, as the main actors, because they did not fight more. Most people don't reach their dreams not because of failure but it is because they give up. Now we see, it's not the failure that stops us but that most stopped at their first failure. Those who succeed don't stop at one failure. They don't stop at ten failures, a hundred, a thousand, or a million.

Imagine if Michael Jordan was scared of missing, he would have never taken a shot. Imagine if Steve Jobs was afraid of people not liking his product, so there would be no iPhone today. Then, let's imagine if Edison gave up on failure, there would be no lamp, and we are in the dark now. Those people never accept failure as something that stops them. They said, " This is my goal, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it. I will learn the lesson from any failures. I will learn faster, work harder, and smarter and I will not quit until my dream is reality".

The figures mentioned above are great people who take a lesson from their failure and get up after it. If they can, why then we can't? Every people has the same chance to win and succeed. Things make it different just how they fight for it. Here are some ways we could try to get up from a failure. Jordan, Edison, and Steve Jobs maybe also use the ways below, so they could be the great people they are today.

Do not give up easily

This is what often makes humans lose hope to achieve their dreams. When humans stop to continue to fight for what they dream of, they would never even smell the taste of success.

Turn failure into motivation

There is a quote said "Success is 99% failure." In my opinion, this is true. Because the road to success is not an easy path. We have to go through many failures and trials to achieve success. So, turning failure into motivation is the key to where success lies.

Don't drag on regretting yourself

Sometimes when we fail, we often regret why it happened. Even though this is the most unwise action taken by a person to achieve his dream. Often times, humans continue to regret their fate so that they no longer have the passion to continue their fight. Even though he still has opportunities that he can use in the future

Support yourself

Sometimes the support we have to get is from ourselves so that we can be able to face the failures that are in front of us. Because only we know how much we need encouragement to awaken ourselves

Give yourself time

Sometimes failure makes us fall so badly that we don't know where else to start. Take a break for a moment, until we feel better. And when we are confident and ready to try again, we will not stop because we have had enough time to rest

Apart from the ways above, if you wanna be a winner, you must stick in your mind that failure makes winners stronger, and hungrier. Only losers who feel worthless after failure. Winners don't enjoy failure, they would never let failure stop them. Next time when you encounter failure, you've got to remember every great thing on this planet is here because the creator does not learn from what did work but from what did not work.  When we are kids, we don't stop at failure. When we first learn to ride a bike, it's failure after failure. We get knocked down, time after time but we get up and push forward until we achieve our goal of riding the bike.  

But then we get old, and most of us get weak. We are too soft to get back on the bike. We come up with excuses "it must not be for me".  We're just soft. we're just lazy. Tell ourself the truth, get back on the bike. Learn why we failed, and make sure we don't fall again. Make sure we are stronger for having the lesson.

Failure is nothing but a lesson to the winner. Failure is nothing but motivation to the winner. Failure is fuel. Failure is Ok.

Successful people fail a lot. They fail a whole lot more than they succeed. They extract the lessons from the failure, and they use the  energy. They also use the wisdom to come around to the phase of success. Failure helps us to recognize the areas where we need to evolve. So, keep fighting, and never afraid to be fail. Go, Fight, and Grab Your Win!

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