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Christy Yulianda Putri
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Ilmu Sosbud

Terjemahan Bau Mesiu H Abdul Manan dan Perang Kamang 1908

30 Agustus 2024   17:50 Diperbarui: 13 September 2024   16:01 33
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E. General Abdul Haris Nasution and the 1908 Kamang War

As a form of appreciation and respect for the fighters of the 1908 Kamang War, the government sent the Coordinating Minister for Security and Defense General Abdul Haris Nasution to Kamang. Upon his arrival in Kamang, the general acted as inspector during the Kamang War commemoration ceremony on June 15, 1963. The first commemoration ceremony took place on the Kamang Mudiak soccer field or the field of Pakan Jumat I State Elementary School. This is still clearly remembered by M. Yuzar Kari Mudo, who during the first Kamang War commemoration ceremony he acted as a flag-bearer. The ceremony with a general inspector was an important moment during the commemoration of the 1908 Kamang War. In the following years and even until now, a national scale ceremony with a general inspector and ministerial officials like this has not been repeated.

After the ceremony Abdul Haris Nasution visited the grave of H. Abdul Manan, which is located in Kampung Budi hamlet. He asked that the tomb be restored and well cared for. After visiting the hero's grave, General Nasution also discussed with Kamang nomads to build a memorial at the scene of the Kamang War in Kampung Tangah." The visit continued to the Kamang War heroes' grave complex in Taluak, Kamang Hilir. And the next agenda is to lay the first stone of the memorial to the West Sumatran People's Resistance Against the War.

Dutch Colonialism 15 June 1908 in Bukittinggi. This monument is located in front of the General Hospital of Dr. Achmad Muchtar Bukittinggi, and can still be visited today.

The Kamang Mudiak community, after holding discussions and hearing input for the construction of a memorial to the events of the 1908 Kamang War at the location of the incident, raised funds for it. The monument was named the 1908 Kamang War Blood Drop monument which was inaugurated by West Sumatra Governor Azwar Anas during the commemoration of the Kamang War on June 15, 1982. In addition to the 1908 Kamang War Struggle monument, the 1908 Kamang War Memorial monument was built at Simpang Pintu Koto, Kamang Hilir.

Every village has its own episode to be proud of in its country's history. But the episode of the 1908 Kamang War is the pride of the Minangkabau people, this event was the trigger for conflict and struggle in opposing the policy of implementing taxes (belasting) throughout Minangkabau. A policy that clearly burdened the community. Haji Abdul Manan's preparation and strategizing of resistance inspired the people to fight against the colonizers.

E. Conclusion and Learning
H. Abdul Manan's life, which has gone through various twists and turns and wounds, implies a story of resilience and strength which appears in this charismatic figure. The great events of the 1908 Kamang War have shaken Indonesian history. As the next generation, studying history is a must. From history we can appreciate the services of heroes and take lessons and lessons for the good of the future including;
The first is that unity between the ulama (religious scholars), niniak mamak (traditional leaders), cadiak pandai (community leaders), youth and bundo kanduang (mothers) in a country is very necessary. It will make the strength of the struggle and regional development efforts will be maximized. If all elements of the country's society can unite, of course, all efforts and common desires can be realized.
Second, that the struggle against colonialism, arbitrariness and injustice is a must. We, as a young generation, should not allow evil to appear in front of our eyes. We must try to prevent it. As children of the nation we must also hone and cultivate social sensitivity, nationalism and solidarity.
the third thing we must pay attention to is trying to maintain the values of local wisdom which are increasingly being uprooted from the conscience of Indonesian youth. It is possible that the external culture that we imitate is contrary to religion (Islam) and traditional values (Minangkabau). So local wisdom which is a combination of religious and traditional values will be a filter in life.
Fourth, Minangkabau people in general and Kamang in particular are people who have historical and social sensitivity and high sensitivity to new things, especially things that harm people's lives. This historical awareness and social awareness must continue to be fertilized and developed in the midst of a society that today seems to forget history and lose concern.
Fifth, the important thing for us is that every action and effort must be based on sincere intentions for the sake of Allah. With good intentions, spirit and religious motivation, we can overcome various obstacles. Sincere intentions and maximum effort will make the actions we do worthy of worship on His side. This is the advantage of most heroes that we can learn from. They fight with sincere intentions without the strings of salaries and honors.

Nama: Christy Yulianda Putri 

NIM: 21019033

No urut: 15

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