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Don't Bother our Papua

21 Oktober 2013   21:39 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   06:12 109
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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

"We, as the guardian of law enforcement and sovereignty of Indonesia, will act based upon Indonesian standard operational procedure," Indonesian navy spokesman First Admiral Untung Suropati told AAP.

Admiral Suropati said he had received a text message from one of the activists aboard the Pog, Amos Wanggai, a West Papuan who fled Indonesia in 2006 and was given refugee status in Australia.

He said he was willing to enter into a dialogue with the group, but insisted they would not be allowed to enter Indonesia.

"As long as they're outside Indonesian water territory, they can do whatever they want. But when they cross, we will act based on Indonesian law and we're not alone in this. There are also police, the army, immigration and others involved," he said.

"Principally, any kind of non-peaceful crossing into Indonesian water territory will not be tolerated." Seems like they already mocked us with their movement, see how foreign country who have their own national interest try to rape our Nation with this movement. We must fight against them because it's about our nations pride. In this situation we can't act like there's no problem in there, the goverment have to do something because urgent problem like this can effect our souverignity.. Papua can be a good example for other Separatism movement in indonesia so, we must fight against them.. Indonesian ubber Alles!

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