Goal:Â I know the different kinds of social media.
- Remind the learners about the class rules.
- Tell the learners about this semester’s plan: We’re going to learn unit 5-9.
- Brainstorming and questioning techniques: Ask learners to discuss and share what they know about social media. Put these notes in the ‘K’ column. Then, ask them to think about what they would know about social media. Write these questions in the ‘W’ column.
At the end of this lesson, ask them to revisit the questions listed in the ‘W’ column and fill in the ‘L column as a closing activity.
- Discussion: Types of social media
  Work in a group, discuss the photograph of young people using social media.
  Match apps with the descriptions and their logo (Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest)
- Find the irregular plural for these singular words (child, cactus, loaf, foot, person, mouse, appendix, shelf, hoof). Use each plural form in a sentence.
- Work in groups.
  Discuss and write the definition of the digital meanings for each of these words: mouse, post, and smart.
  Ask them to share with friends.
- Check their understanding and their feelings
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