Mohon tunggu...
Marisa Umami
Marisa Umami Mohon Tunggu... -

:) :D ^_^




Puisi Dadakan

25 Mei 2011   07:31 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:15 69
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Andrew Murray :

You’re my girl

I’m your man

I don’t care if we live in a garbage can

I’m your man

You’re my gal

I’m so glad we are pals

You’re not fat

You don’t smell bad

You’re always smiling

Never sad

I bet you take a shower everyday

Hey hey hey hey hey


Marisa Umami :

I’m the girl

Who sitting here

Talk to you over there

You’re kidding

I’m smiling

I don’t care however or whatever you are

Only one thing I could say

Thanks for being my friend


Andrew Murray :

Funny faces

In sunny places

Being love is feels so great

And all I need is

Two ingredients :

My buttercup

And the perfect place

Me and you

Here’s what we’ll do

Walk hand in hand

Into lovers land

You’re the best

And  I can’t resist

A kiss in the lips


Marisa Umami :

I always love the sun

Rising up in the morning

Shining on my everyday

Blow hopes into my soul

Share the warm into my heart

But, it is not anymore

I can’t see the shining sun again

I can’t feel its light

But I can let the pain away

I can keep standing on my own way

And it’s all because of you

Because you're the brightest light on my eyes


Andrew Murray :

Don’t talk

Just watch the world go by

As we float away

In slow motion

So special

It’s so special

You are the girl I see

I’m your boy to be

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  6. 6
Mohon tunggu...

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