• Students must draw the car of their dreams.
  (Pictures can be made through a variety of media using pencil, paint, or even draw digitally using computer software. A definite image must be an original idea creators, not inspired or paraphrase others' images)
• Each design entry should be supplied with as much as 250-500 word description. The description should also include existing features, both on the interior or exterior. Design and features will have the same weight rating.
• The design must be received by email address no later than March 31, 2017
• Students must include a copy or photograph designs along with a description written in .doc or PDF
• Include a copy of the identification of students who are still in effect. Without this copy, direct participants considered void.
For the initial stage, the team OTO will filter based on the design and features. Then amsuk 5 major design will be displayed on the Facebook Page OTO on 6 April 2017. The design is in the top three with the most widely acquire Like & Share until 9 April 2017, will be determined as the winner.
Terms and conditions