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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Navigating Hoaxes

11 Desember 2023   14:25 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2023   14:41 17
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The spread of false information is severely hampered in the information age by the prevalence of hoaxes. In this talk, the anatomy of hoaxes is examined, along with the psychological reasons for their fabrication and the social repercussions of their dissemination. Through case studies and an understanding of the mechanisms that propagate false information, people can arm themselves with the critical thinking abilities necessary to successfully negotiate the ever-evolving media landscape. The fight against hoaxes requires fact-checking, media literacy, and a dedication to maintaining the accuracy of information. In short, the ongoing fight against the spread of hoaxes in the information age requires a shared commitment to media literacy, fact-checking, and maintaining the integrity of information.

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