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Diana Fransisca
Diana Fransisca Mohon Tunggu... -

Live in jakarta. Accountant




Morning Radio Talk In Xxxfm (One Of Radio Station In Jakarta) - Moral Trend? or Deviation? or Just One Psycho Woman?

30 Agustus 2014   00:27 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   02:08 37
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I listened to XXXFM (one of radio station in jakarta) at morning, and there's this conversation:

host: "So if you have to a chance to be forgiven, who would you ask the most?"

woman (semi whispering): "I would like to apologize to my boyfriend's WIFE ... and I really hope that she forgive me"

host: "Ummm ... so you're having an affair with a married man, and you want to ask for forgiveness from his wife?"

woman: "Yes ... we've been doing this for 5 years"

host: "OMG ... seriously? ... that's .... ummm okay. Are you married to someone?

woman: "in a few weeks yeah. I'll be married to someone"

host: "You're about to get married, and you're still having an affair with someone else, a married man? ... I don't understand"

woman: "Well ... I loved him (married man) very much, and the only reason I got married is because he (married man) asked me to get married with someone else so I can get a normal life ...."

host: "What? ... say that again? unbelievable ... ... ... in my honest opinion, I think you won't give up your affair even after your marriage, correct?"

woman: "Yeah ... I can't help it, I love him so much"

host: "So why bother asking his wife to forgive you if you still going to cheat on her?"

woman (chuckling) : "I don't know ... I guess she doesn't have to forgive me then ..."

host: "wowww ... can I be your other man too ??? just for fun you know nothing serious ... hahahaha ... "

woman: "bwahaha ... only if you're handsome"

... and the talk continues ...

ME thinking: What a monday morning ... so sad to think about the value of marriage, honesty, trust, and dignity these days. The next question from me is, who is responsible for this? and who is going to repair this mess? how?

in my 1 minute thinking, I think it is not important to answer or to look for someone to blame for this moral deviation (or some would disagree and argue that this is more of a trend not a deviation ... whatever), it is much more important on what can we do to repair this deviation in whatever capacity we're in. as a child? as a parent? as a leader? as a worker? There's gotta be something "small" that we can do to repair this.

If this so called moral damage/trend is inevitable, at least we can slow down the process with our "small" deeds right?

On the bright side, this is one of those few mornings where I don't complain about the traffic jam in jakarta, because I'm too occupied with this thought :) so ... even a darn traffic jam has its purpose :)

Have a great day my friends. Gbu

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