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Darwin KangGURU
Darwin KangGURU Mohon Tunggu... Agroteknologi, Universitas Lampung

"PEMBELAJAR Pendidik dan PENDIDIK Pembelajar". Menulis di Kompasiana untuk menunaikan misi hidup dan menisbahkan diri dengan zaman



Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Technological Innovation Practices in Sustainable Agriculture on Acidic Drylands Agroecsystem for Food Crop Cultivation

6 November 2024   09:14 Diperbarui: 6 November 2024   09:18 110
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Sumber: dokpri Endriani (2022) 

Technological Innovations in Crop Cultivation on Acidic Drylands

1.Soil Amelioration with Organic Materials and Lime

One key approach to improving the quality of acidic soils is through the use of soil amendments, such as lime and organic materials. Liming aims to raise soil pH, reduce aluminum toxicity, and increase nutrient availability. Organic materials like manure, compost, and biochar can enhance the soil's water-holding capacity and increase organic matter content, supporting soil microorganisms.

Improving the physical and biological properties of soil in acidic drylands can also be achieved through soil management practices, including the addition of ameliorants such as organic plant residues, animal waste, biochar, lime, and dolomite. The application of biochar at a rate of 10 tons/ha and compost fertilizer at 20 tons/ha has been shown to significantly enhance dry maize grain weight by 35.56% and 16.58%, respectively, compared to conditions without biochar and compost fertilizer (Lelu et al., 2018).

These amendments help improve soil structure, increase nutrient availability, and enhance soil microbial activity, which are essential for improving crop yields in suboptimal soils. Soil improvement with organic ameliorants and biochar can significantly increase soil pH (Subiksa et al., 2014). This increase in pH is essential for enhancing nutrient availability and reducing soil acidity, which are critical factors for improving crop productivity in acidic dryland environments. The application of these materials not only helps to balance the soil's chemical properties but also improves its physical structure, promoting better root growth and water retention.

2. Use of Acid-Tolerant Superior Varieties

Plant breeding technologies have produced superior crop varieties that are tolerant of acidic soil conditions. Varieties of food crops, such as upland rice, maize, soybeans, and sorghum, that can withstand acidic dryland conditions have been developed to improve productivity on these marginal lands. These varieties exhibit better adaptation to low soil pH and resistance to drought stress. The use of technology components of new superior soybean varieties tolerant on acid dry land and soil fertility improvement with the addition of organic fertilizers and ameliorants was able to increase soybean yields by 30%, compared to conventional technology (Endriani,, 2021).

3. Application of Conservation Agriculture Systems

Conservation agriculture systems, such as zero tillage or minimal soil tillage, are innovative practices in sustainable farming. These approaches aim to preserve soil structure, reduce erosion, and retain soil moisture. Additionally, the implementation of crop rotation or intercropping with cover crops can enhance diversification and reduce the risk of crop failure due to environmental stressors.

4. Water-Efficient Irrigation and Water Management Technologies

Effective water management is crucial in sustainable agricultural systems on drylands. Water-efficient irrigation technologies, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, can improve water-use efficiency. Rainwater harvesting involves building reservoirs or infiltration wells that allow water to be stored during the rainy season for use during the dry season.

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