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Prabowo and His Legion of Doom

24 Juni 2014   08:28 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   09:23 135
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The internet has been in an uproar since this past week. A well known Jokowi supporter, political analyst Wimar Witoelar, is the center of the controversy, he purposely posted a photo entitled, a gallery of rogues, the return of the bad guys, his big mistake, is that he didn't take notice of the logos underneath the pictures, the second largest moslem organization in the country, Muhammadiyah, and it's political affiliate PAN's logo were on it. In hindsight, the picture's better off posted without those logos on the bottom, and AA Gym. Aside from those offensive logos, and AA Gym's picture, I didn't find the headline that far-fetched. Now, before y'all hang me for this, let me explain.

[caption id="attachment_312481" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="they should not insert parties and organization"][/caption]

Prabowo used to be Soeharto's son in law, and he did alot of Soeharto's dirty works, this includes kidnapping activist, and allegedly killing many of them (his right hand, Kivlan Zen, even admitted that he knows the location of the bodies), the picture of Soeharto above his, is reasonable.

PKS, is an avid Usamah Bin Laden Supporter, Anis Matta, The current head of PKS, once made a poem glorifying his hero, the great Usamah, now he's about to protest that his picture was cropped next to his idol?and the bali bombers?They're just carrying Usamah's call for Jihad, hence Amrozi's, Imam Samudra's, and, Abu bakar Basyir's picture, is up there too, they're all Usamah's symphatizers, the difference is, Anis Matta hasn't bombed anyone, but he approves, and considered Usamah and his kind as martyrs.

Anis Matta's predecessor, Lutfi Hasan Ishak is well known for corruption, sex parties with all kinds of prostitutes, and having intercourse with under age girls (his newest wife was 16 when they got married, which is a statutory rate in some countries), some people think that's impressive, but others find it as a criminal pedophiliac tendency.

Hatta Rajasa, who was nominated alongside Prabowo as vice president, is here on this list, not because of his incompetence as a minister, but simply because of his son, because somehow, a father has to bear the sin of the son, and not the other way around. His son committed vehicular manslaughter, yet now, he got away scott free, without spending even one day in jail. After all the court process, people will think that it's ok to commit a vehicular manslaughter nowadays, as long as you got a rich powerful daddy like Mr. Rajasa, to compensate the victims. Even Ahmad Dhani knows who to seek advice from, for his son to walk scott free from murdering 7 people with a vehicle, without owning any drivers' license, with only mandatory probation clause, as a punishment.

Speaking of Ahmad Dhani, they should put his picture instead of AA Gym's, for he might be a douchebag, but Ahmad Dhani is way douchier, good gawd i hope that's a word, gimme a break, people it's past midnight, now move along.

SDA is with Habib Rizieq, because before the election, he was nominated as the vice president, by the FPI, alongside The Angry Habib. They are avid Prabowo's supporters as well. Habib and his FPI gang have a long list of criminal activities, he even went to jail once, and a lot of his gang members are in jail right at one time. Before the Hajj Corruption case, SDA is already notorious because of his incompetence in preserving minorities' right, do you still think they're the good guys?

Aher, like SDA, is known for prosecuting minorities' right in his province. Tifatul is a censor nazi, he closed down vimeo for pornographic content, and also refuses to close down jihadist sites like arrahmah and others. He is against fast internet for Indonesian, he's a hypocrite, banning porn, but following @toketqueen on twitter, he probably watches porn on a regular basis too, not that there's anything wrong with that.

ARB drowned a single city, and washes his hands with the support of his parties in the house. Thousands of people lost their jobs and homes, land owners around the flooded area are hurting financially, since their land is now worthless. He is also known for having special trip to Maldives alongside his daughter's movie star friends, without his wife, and taking photos with huge teddy bears, but that's no crime, just lewd fun behaviour.

In conclusion, this is not a black campaign, these are facts, backed with data. Does this justify "The Gallery of Rogues" moniker?Maybe not, I Prefer to call them Prabowo's "Legion of Doom". It's Classier, It's fun, and I'm sure a few graphic novels enthusiast here gets my references.

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