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"The Real Hero"

6 April 2018   07:25 Diperbarui: 6 April 2018   09:04 173
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"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary", Gerard Way. From that quotes we know that anyone can be a hero. In my mind, my hero is my father. Why father? I think you will ask question about that. Here is the father is my hero because he was responsible to his family, also me. He became the best example for me. He also guided me to the right path. I will show you some story.

When I was young, my father saved me from accident. That was many years ago. It had happened when we (me and my father) went out from my home to go to park. But when I crossed the street, I did not look the street very well. Suddenly a car hit me. I screamed loudly. Immediately my father brought me to the nearest hospital. Actually, the car was hit my father not me. His leg is not bloody, just bruises. I knew that because at that time I did not felt that the car was hit me. But my father say that the car was hit me.

At that time may father was very sad. Although in fact that I just fell because driven by my father. But my father was angry to me. A did not know why. Maybe he wanted me more careful. After that accident had happened, my father always observes me. He always gives me some advice and guided me more careful and be a wise people when I do anything. That is the story why my father is hero. I think you will say that this is the ordinary story. But, from that accident I learned anything from my hero.

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