With the storyline of friendship between animals and humans, the writer is interested in representing the friendship that exists in the film. To represent the friendship in the film, the writer uses semiotic analysis. Semiotics is a science or method of analysis to study signs (Sobur, 2006). , where this film tells the story of a strong friendship which is described by looking at the many signs and also the meaning contained in the film. From that, the writer thinks that this film is very interesting to be used as research.Â
The writing of this film also contains an inspiring story for the audience. Therefore this film can have a positive impact. So with this, the researcher tries to raise the phenomenon contained in the film A street cat named Bob by taking the title: "ANALYTICAL SEMOTIKA ON THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMANS IN THE FILM A STREET CAT THE NAME BOB"
This study uses qualitative research methods with the presentation of semiotic analysis. The research aims to describe what is currently happening. In it there is an effort to describe, record, analyze and interpret the conditions that are currently happening or existing (Mardalis, 2003:26). In this study, the author makes observations on the film, through the opinions of film experts, directors, and other film practitioners. In this study, the author uses documents in the form of conversation quotes and scenes in the film A street cat named Bob.Â
This method is also referred to as the artistic method, because the research process is more semi-animous, and is referred to as an interpretive method because the research data is more comfortable with the interpretation of the data found in the field. Qualitative research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions (natural setting); referred to as the ethnographic method, because initially this method was more widely used for research in the field of cultural anthropology; referred to as a qualitative method, because the data collected and the analysis is more qualitative in nature. (Sugiyono, 2010:7-8).
The data analysis technique used in this research is semiotic analysis. The type of analysis used is the semiotic approach of Charles Sanders Pierce who proposes a triangle theory of meaning which consists of three main elements, namely signs, objects and interpretants. In the film A street cat named Bob, the researcher uses three stages of analysis, namely:
Sign: Text on the picture in the film
Object: Contains the meaning of friendship in the film
Interpreter: Gives meaning and then interprets the data into narrative form.
Results and Discussion
In analyzing the meaning of friendship, the researcher uses the semiotic analysis method of Charles Sanders Peirce which examines the sign, where the sign is interpreted through the formulation of sign, object, interpretant. The values of the meaning of friendship contained in the film A street cat named Bob,