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Salsabella Khairena S
Salsabella Khairena S Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa

Hubungan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Ilmu Sosbud

Confronting the Problem of Islamophobia: Political and Cultural Strategies to Increase Tolerance

16 Juni 2024   15:15 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2024   15:28 206
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Law enforcement agencies must also be given proper training to deal with crimes and hatred against the Muslim community. Many countries have implemented anti-discrimination laws.

Anti-Discrimination Law

It has been widely implemented, such as in Canada, England and Australia which have implemented anti-discrimination laws which protect individual rights from discrimination based on religion, including Islam.

1. Canada

Canadian Human Rights

which was passed in 1977. This law prohibits discrimination against skin color, age, race and religion.

2. England

Equality Act 2010, this law combines with several previous anti-discrimination regulations, and also provides protection against direct or indirect discrimination. covers various bases such as race, age, gender and also religion or belief.

3. Australia

Racial Discrimination Act 1975. This prohibits discrimination based on race, color and religion.

The implementation of this law is very important to ensure that all individuals, including people of the Muslim faith, have equal protection in legal policies and can also live without fear of discrimination.

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