Mohon tunggu...
Ibnu Subianto
Ibnu Subianto Mohon Tunggu...

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15 April 2014   22:15 Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015   23:38 129
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I have a hand, and you have another; put them together and we have each other.

I never thought able to love someone like I love you.

You are not perfect, but you can make me perfect.

You are similar to my favorite song. When the song ended, I keep repeating it.

The happiest moment in my life is when I’m with you.

The best thing in my life is falling in love with you.

Love is not something that we look for, but something that find us.

A successful love is still love one person from now until death.

Love is not a honey and a sugar, but it gives us sweetness more than those.

Since I found you, I never stopped thinking about you.

A really beautiful thing is a truth that there is someone loves you so much.

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