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Barkha Verma
Barkha Verma Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - Digital marketing

I am Barkha Verma I am a Digital Marketer Having 6 Years Of experience in the Field Of Working As SMO, SEO, and Email Marketing manager. Now I own a  Decognomes.




Eco Friendly Candle Options For A Sustainable Christmas Season in 2024

7 Mei 2024   17:23 Diperbarui: 7 Mei 2024   17:37 101
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- Compost natural wax: If your candle is made from natural wax like soy or beeswax, it can be composted. Remove any remaining wick and place the wax in your compost bin.

- Upcycle candle remnants: If you have small leftover candle pieces, you can melt them together and create new candles. This way, you can make the most out of your candles and reduce waste.

- Donate or regift: If you have unused or lightly used candles, consider donating them to local charities or regifting them to friends and family who may enjoy them.

By following these disposal tips, you can ensure that your used candles have minimal environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable Christmas season.

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