In recent months, the issue of increasing the cost of higher education in Indonesia has become a hot topic of discussion in the community, especially from students. The increase in Single Tuition Fee (UKT) in several state campuses has attracted the attention of various parties. The increase in tuition fees in universities is often linked to the need for institutions to improve the quality of education, facilities, and services. Universities need sufficient funds to hire qualified lecturers, update the curriculum, improve campus infrastructure, and support research and community service. However, this increase in operational costs is often imposed on students in the form of increased tuition fees. However, the policy has actually been adjusted to the latest Permendikbudristek in 2024 Â The latest UKT rules are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbudristek) No. 2 of 2024 concerning Higher Education Operational Cost Standards (SBOPT) at PTN within the Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology. The following are the UKT rules and their review based on Permendikbudristek No. 2 of 2024 This phenomenon caused many reactions from various groups, ranging from students, parents, to academics.
Of course, the increase in education costs is very surprising and burdensome for students in Indonesia to study to a higher level, not only that, the issue of increasing education costs also makes parents feel reluctant to send their children to a higher level. Not only that, this increase in education costs can also widen the gap in access to higher education in Indonesia. This is also contrary to one value in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which reads ".. educating the life of the nation.." which is slowly being deprived if the increase in education costs is really realized in all existing universities. This unreasonable increase in UKT also indirectly violates the instruction of the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education regarding the collection of base money or cloth levies other than UKT which are as follows:
- Tariffs Base money and/or other levies other than UKT still pay attention to the economic ability of students, parents, or other parties who finance it.
- For students who are economically disadvantaged, there is no charge for base money and/or other levies other than UKT.
- Base money rates and/or levies other than UKT are determined based on the principles of fairness, proportionality, and fairness.
The high cost of education certainly increases the financial burden for students and parents. Many families in Indonesia with middle income and below have to struggle harder to be able to send their children to higher education. Even several universities in Central Java, which is actually the province with the lowest minimum wage in Indonesia, also participated in this increase in education costs. This can result in many students or parents being forced to take loans for their education costs or even work part-time to pay for their studies. This financial pressure often has a negative impact on students' academic performance and mental health.
The increase in education costs can also widen the gap in access to higher education in Indonesia. Students from underprivileged families may be more difficult to access quality and equal higher education. In fact, higher education is one of the effective ways to increase social and economic mobility of families in Indonesia. If the cost of education continues to increase without being balanced with adequate scholarship policies or education subsidies, then opportunities for outstanding students from underprivileged families will be even more limited. Conversely, families from the upper class will find it easier to get a quality education because of their reduced rivals to enter quality universities.
On the other hand, universities argue that rising costs are a necessary step to ensure sustainability and improve the quality of education. Many universities have also made efforts to provide scholarships and financial aid for students in need. However, this is considered insufficient and not evenly distributed to cover the needs of all students who need assistance.
Of course, the increase in UKT caused many demonstrations held by students who objected to the drastic increase in UKT, the demonstration which was carried out evenly led to the call of Minister of Education and Technology and Higher Education Nadiem Anwar Makarim by Commission X of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and President Joko Widodo at the presidential palace, Jakarta. After the call of the Minister of Education and Culture and Higher Education, he announced the cancellation of the UKT increase for this year and the application for the UKT increase next year will be evaluated one by one. Although the government has given a decision to cancel the increase in the single tuition fee (UKT) this year, this has not completely relieved the world of education. This is because various regulations related to Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH) have not been revoked which allows repeated polemics.
The increase in the cost of education in universities in Indonesia is a complex issue that requires a holistic approach in handling. Although necessary for improving the quality of education, this increase should not come at the expense of educational accessibility for students from underprivileged families. Synergy between the government, universities, and various other stakeholders is needed to create an inclusive, quality, and sustainable higher education system.
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