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Azhariah Rachman
Azhariah Rachman Mohon Tunggu... ibu rumah tangga -

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The Second Child Curse

4 April 2010   10:18 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   17:00 42
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Fathia, Ibu wants to talk to you, seriously. You might not have any ideas on this or you might  have. So sorry Ibu just have to apologize. Some of your toys are belonging to your big sister. Even some of your clothes had been used some times ago when she was as old , if Ibu's not mistaken, as you . For some reasons Ibu can't explain. Today,  Ibu has no intention to make it worse, Ayah planned to send that old bike your sister had ridden. So you can ride the bike after his arrival. The bike which should go to Anti, the laundry lady's daughter, is not in good condition, yet, not bad either. Actually, i was totally disagree on this plan. You deserve your own, right? Didn't you also star at me when I talked about it on the phone? Why didn't you object it straightly to him? Oh, well, Ibu reckons you still find your arguments on this. But sometimes I found you were quite relaxing when playing the same toys with your sister. You have your own corner, she has her's.  Many times you both fought. Yeah, that on the other side the grass is always greener...Remember when you play Ipin toy firstly? Ok. Let me tell you something. That's what you call share. You can borrow Fayza's toy, but next time you have to let Fayza plays with it.

Let me find you its meaning:

1. To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion.

2. To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns.

3. To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.
4. To accord a share in (something) to another or others: shared her chocolate bar with a friend.
Above are all the meanings in transitive verb and below is the intransitive verb:

1. To have a share or part: shared in the profits.
2. To allow someone to use or enjoy something that one possesses: Being in daycare taught the child to share.
3. To use or enjoy something jointly or in turns: There is only one computer, so we will have to share
So share your chocolate bar with your sister and your friend next time, and respect their belongings. So you will find a harmony. Let me, then, back to this issue on your sister's belongings. No. That, in fact, is not a share. That's what people called the curse of the second child. Though, you're not a second child. Though, you can't deny the curse.

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