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Ruth Ayue
Ruth Ayue Mohon Tunggu... -

i never stop falling in love with the power of words :)




An E-mail's Secret: Still Patience

24 Februari 2011   07:34 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:19 51
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How are you there, my dear friend?

I’m so sorry to inform you that I might not be available this weekend to have a sleepover with you. The job’s problem, you know, my editor changed the deadline a week earlier, and that means a lot of job. But I promise you a wonderful weekend next week, babe.

Anyway, I read your e-mail and went like ‘ooh my fucking God!’ he’s just a real Goddamn bastard, babe. I mean, of course I told you before that this guy is potentially a bastard, but I never imagine he really did that.

Baby, are you really okay?

I won’t give any further comments about how it happened, or how he threaten you (Gosh, how could he?!) or even how things are going now between he and Felize. But you, honey, I’m freakin’ worried about you. He can’t torture you like this.

I know you’re strong, you can make it without him. Well, it’s pretty much easier to say, but still I know you can go trough this. You stil have me, and the other girls too, I don’t mind if you don’t count Felize in, but there’s a lot of people who supports you. Any decision you make, we’ll be just right behind your back.

We may not be the one preventing you from falling, but we’ll definitely be the one catching you when you fall. And I am right now. So don’t worry to move on.

What I’m trying to say is, you do what you think is right. It’s okay, everybody make mistakes, and we live long enough to fix it. Don’t be scared. And I agree that you must straightened this mess, it’s absolutely not your fault. Even if you’re the one who has to walk away, walk with your chin up. No misunderstanding left. I definitely won’t permit that Gray talking about you badly to his next girlfriends.

One confession babe, I opened your E-mail last night. At first I just curious about what he wrote to you, but then I happend to find this drafts full of your heart crying. I sure heard about those, verbally, but when I read them again, I felt that what you’d been trough was a lot more difficult from what you told me. but why are they only stay in the drafts?

Baby, he has to know. You can’t just, hide your feeling forever. I know he’s not the understanding type, but still, he has to know how hard you lived among this mess. If he’s heartless enough to take your feeling as bullshits, well at least you’ve already broken up with him.

And so I cliked them, the send buttons. I sent all of the e-mails you couldn’t sent before. And I wrote a little PS that it was me who sent them, in case he thinks that you’re just trying to search for his attention. And plus, I sent an e-mail full of bad words, myself, to him. Sorry sweetie, I just couldn’t help it when it comes to the bastards playing with girls’ hearts.

Patience dear, you’re strong, you’ve proven it by staying this far, alone. And I guess no one could handle the patient as good as you are, maybe that’s why you’re called Patience. I think Catwoman is a pretty good nickname for you, since you climb trees faster than any girl I’ve known in my life, but still you’re best as Patience. (Or you want me to call you Patty, just like my fat autie named?) If it’s your part to have a long-live-annoying-patient life, you will do it well, babe, because it’s you. Imagine it’s me, waiting for God’s answering my prayer or loving someone eventough he went out with my friend? Naah, I won’t make it both.

I’m proud of you, baby. So be proud of yourself, split out that pride you once swallowed. It’s your happiness to reach now, and your justice. I know you can make it.

Write to you soon, as soon as you reply this e-mail, or online on the messenger.

Your girl, Marine.

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