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Azzahara Zuhra
Azzahara Zuhra Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Pecinta Coklat

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Pengertian Kata Kerja Mental dan Cirinya

30 April 2020   13:32 Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2022   16:40 2130
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One expert in his field named Peter Drucker outlines the notion of entrepreneurship, according to him entrepreneurship is the ability (skill) to create something new and different from the others.

Jean Baptista Say

The definition of entrepreneurship according to the next experts comes from an economist and businessman from France, namely Jean Baptista Say. According to him, entrepreneurship is an agent who combines various means of production and finds value from what he produces.

Harvey Leibenstein

One of the American Jewish economists named Harvey Leibenstein explained, that entrepreneurship is something that includes various activities needed to carry out and create companies at a time when the market has not yet been formed or clearly identified, or some component of its production function has not been fully identified.

Andrew J. Dubrin

Understanding entrepreneurship according to the next experts we quote from Andrew J dubrin. According to the Professor and author of this book, entrepreneurship is someone who runs and establishes an innovative business.

Drs. Joko Untoro

Drs Joko Untoro as a team of Indonesian teachers and authors of mathematical smart books have their own meaning about entrepreneurship. According to him entrepreneurship is the courage to make various efforts to meet the needs of life carried out by someone, based on the ability to utilize all the potential that is owned to produce something that is beneficial to himself and others.

Suharto Prawiro

The next understanding of entrepreneurship is taken from Mr. Suharto Prawiro, according to him entrepreneurship is a value that is needed to start a business and develop a business.

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