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Aurora Pravita
Aurora Pravita Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - mahasiswa universitas darussalam gontor kampus c




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Transforming Campus Development : 3D Visualization for Unida Gontor

5 Agustus 2024   00:00 Diperbarui: 5 Agustus 2024   00:07 61
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS


My name is Aurora Rachel Parvita, a student at Darussalam Gontor University Campus C. I will review a journal titled “3 Dimensional Visualization for Adaptive Building Construction Masterplan in University of Darussalam Gontor Area” by Faisal Reza Pradhana, Taufiqurrahman, and Inqi Azhar Aziz Basyaruddin, published in 2021. The journal addresses the limitations of physical documents, such as vulnerability to damage, difficulty in updates, and the inability to provide visual representations of current and future buildings. The research aims to design 3-dimensional models of buildings in the UNIDA Gontor area, making them easily and dynamically accessible.


Many agencies and contractors still rely on manual systems for initial design, resulting in 2-dimensional physical designs. With the advancement of technology, optimizing 2-dimensional physical models is now possible, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. As a rapidly developing campus in terms of facilities and infrastructure, UNIDA Gontor requires dynamic building designs. The existing physical models do not support the need for constant updates, necessitating an adaptive technological solution.

Visualization involves creating images, diagrams, or animations to display information. Current computer technology supports 3-dimensional visualization, offering advantages in visuality and image detail compared to 2-dimensional objects. Unlike 2D images, 3D models include depth, making the resulting object appear more realistic and detailed.



In this research, 3D modeling was done using Blender, chosen for being open-source,

lightweight, free, and feature-rich. The modeling process involved designing buildings

in Blender and adding textures to make the objects look real and natural.


Several tests were conducted at the verification stage to ensure the product met the needs.

One issue occurred with a student dormitory object due to a texture input error,

which was corrected during the maintenance stage.

Critical Analysis

Reliance on physical documents for building designs at UNIDA Gontor leads to issues such as vulnerability to damage, difficulty in updates, and lack of visual representation. This research proposes 3-dimensional visualization of campus buildings using Blender, aiming to provide detailed and realistic representations that are easily updatable.


- Enhanced visual representation

- Dynamic updates

- Accessibility


- Initial learning curve

- Verification issues


The 3-dimensional visualization of the Darussalam Gontor University Building Master Plan meets user needs, as evidenced by an average score of 88.12%. This approach addresses the limitations of physical documents and supports the dynamic development needs of the university.

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