What comes to your mind when you hear the words Introvert and Antisocial? Do you think these two words have the same meaning? Indeed some of the readers of this article think that introverts and anti-socials are two the same thing, but actually, introverts and anti-socials are two different things. Why is that? Whereas Introverts and Antisocial are people who both like to be alone. It should be noted that an Introvert is a personality type that is owned by someone. The opposite of an introvert personality is an extrovert personality. Meanwhile, anti-social is a mental disorder characterized by a neglect of others. It needs to be underlined that introvert is a personality type, while anti-social is a mental disorder. To know more about the difference, we have to know well about Introverts and Antisocial.
What is an introvert personality?
As previously said, an introvert is a personality type of a person. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an introvert is someone who is shy, withdrawn, and prefers to spend time alone rather than with other people. In other words, introverts prefer to spend their time and get their energy in a quiet and calm environment, in contrast to extroverts who prefer to spend their time and get their energy in crowded places with lots of people. However, it is this introverted nature that is often misunderstood by many people, even to the point of being equated with being antisocial. Introverts are often misunderstood as arrogant, indifferent to others, loners, moody, weird, unfriendly, and so on. In fact, this is their way of getting their energy, by spending time in a quiet and calm place.Â
Introverts can also talk a lot with other people like extroverts if they want. When they feel they have interacted with other people enough, they tend to listen to other people talking or go elsewhere to recharge their energy by being alone. In addition, introverts need time or adaptation to talk to people they just know, so don't be surprised when you just meet someone, but that person doesn't talk much, or shows awkward or shy behavior in front of you, it could be that person is introverted.
Not a few people think that introverts are a "disease" and must be cured or eliminated. But actually, Introverts are not a "disease" that must be cured. Indeed, introverts when seen from the outside, they look like people who are difficult to socialize with, but that's how they respond to the environment around them, that's how they adapt. Don't equate them with extroverts who respond to their surroundings by communicating a lot with other people. Interacting with many people for introverts makes their energy run out quickly, so they will feel tired more quickly or not interested in interacting longer. Don't make introverted traits something that's not normal, it's just their way of responding or adapting to the surrounding environment and other people.
Maybe you have thought about how introverts develop themselves if they themselves find it difficult to get along and expand relationships with other people, because expanding relationships with other people is one way to develop themselves. As we know, everyone has their own way of developing themselves, including introverts. Introverts are known by the nickname, "quiet on the outside, but bustling on the inside." The point is, introverts look calm on the outside, but their minds are busy with ideas, opinions, and other thoughts that they think about very deeply. They usually put various kinds of ideas in written form as material for self-development. Lots of famous scientists, writers and figures who turn out to be introverts, such as Albert Einstein the physicist, Mahatma Gandhi the leader of the Indian independence movement, Bill Gates who is one of the richest people in the world, JK Rowling the author of the famous Harry Potter series, and many more. So, for you who are introverted, don't ever think that you are a failure because, with the unique thoughts that you have, you can be one of the people who bring change in this world.
What is Antisocial Disorder?
After we discussed introverted personality, let's now know exactly what antisocial is. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, antisocial is someone who doesn't like to socialize, has a closed attitude toward society, and tends to disturb public peace. Antisocial is not a personality type, but a personality disorder. Antisocial sufferers show several symptoms, such as a lack of empathy for others, being manipulative to satisfy their pleasures, often ignoring the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty, and feeling superior to others. It should be remembered that the symptoms of antisocial disorder presented in this article cannot be used as a self-diagnosis. It's best if you feel the symptoms of a mental disorder, immediately consult a psychologist to receive further instructions. Someone is categorized as antisocial if they are over 18 years old, and show antisocial symptoms before they are 15 years old.Â
There are several factors that cause antisocial disorder, including:
Having a dark or neglected
Childhood in an inharmonious family environment,Â
Having a family that has experienced mental/psychological disorders,
Having traumatic experiences such as victims of abuse.Â
These factors eventually cause a person to have a personality disorder which is characterized by bad behavior in social relations with other people. People with the antisocial disorder often avoid other people or behave violently, recklessly, and impulsively towards others, so it is not uncommon for people with this disorder to be shunned by many people. People with this disorder use their intelligence to manipulate other people to meet their needs, besides that it is not uncommon for people with this disorder to commit criminal acts such as stealing and destroying things.Â
Until now, no medicine can completely cure this mental disorder, but there are several therapies recommended by psychologists to reduce the symptoms of this disorder. Here are some precautions that can be taken so as not to get antisocial disorders:Â
Recognizing antisocial signs from an early age so that it is not too late to be handled
Giving sufficient attention and affection to children so that the child does not feel abandoned
Create a harmonious family environment
Some of the prevention above is expected to minimize the emergence of antisocial disorders.
What is the difference between introvert and antisocial?
After we have studied well about introvert and antisocial from the explanation above, here are the details of the difference between introvert and antisocial so that you can understand it better:
Introvert is a personality type, while antisocial is a type of personality disorder
Introverts are quiet but still want to interact with other people, while antisocial people don't want to interact with other people at all.
Introverts are not manipulative, while antisocial manipulate others for their own interests.
Introverts prefer to be in their comfort zone, that is to be alone, while antisocial are deliberately alone or avoid other people.
Introverts still have empathy for other people, while antisocials don't have empathy.
Talking to introverts is fun!
Introverts do look quiet and are often thought of as arrogant, but don't get it wrong, talking to an introvert is fun when we get to know them better. Indeed, when you first get to know introverts, they will tend to close themselves off to us, so we have to start the conversation first. If the introvert gradually feels comfortable with us, the introvert will gradually open up to us. There are other reasons why talking to introverts is fun. Here are several positive values of an introvert:
Introverts are good listeners.
Because introverts tend to be quiet, they often listen to other people's conversations. Therefore, when we pour out our hearts to introverts, they will gladly listen to our outpourings.
Introverts are good advice givers
Although introverts are often seen sitting still, they are actually observing the environment around them. They also pay attention to the behavior of other people, so they can recognize the character of that person. Because of this, when an introvert is asked for advice by someone, the introvert tends to be able to give the right advice, because introverts always pay close attention to that person's behavior.
Introverts are wise leaders
Introverts are known as wise leaders because usually, they will listen more to ideas put forward by proactive people in a meeting, so they allow others to express their thoughts.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that introverts and antisocials are two different things. Both have characteristics that can be distinguished. So, when you see someone just sitting alone, don't get it wrong first. People with antisocial do not want to interact with other people, while introverts still have the desire to interact with others. Talking with introverts is also a fun thing, they are good listeners, advisers, and also wise leaders. We just need to be patient in approaching introverts.
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