Introverts are quiet but still want to interact with other people, while antisocial people don't want to interact with other people at all.
Introverts are not manipulative, while antisocial manipulate others for their own interests.
Introverts prefer to be in their comfort zone, that is to be alone, while antisocial are deliberately alone or avoid other people.
Introverts still have empathy for other people, while antisocials don't have empathy.
Talking to introverts is fun!
Introverts do look quiet and are often thought of as arrogant, but don't get it wrong, talking to an introvert is fun when we get to know them better. Indeed, when you first get to know introverts, they will tend to close themselves off to us, so we have to start the conversation first. If the introvert gradually feels comfortable with us, the introvert will gradually open up to us. There are other reasons why talking to introverts is fun. Here are several positive values of an introvert:
Introverts are good listeners.
Because introverts tend to be quiet, they often listen to other people's conversations. Therefore, when we pour out our hearts to introverts, they will gladly listen to our outpourings.
Introverts are good advice givers
Although introverts are often seen sitting still, they are actually observing the environment around them. They also pay attention to the behavior of other people, so they can recognize the character of that person. Because of this, when an introvert is asked for advice by someone, the introvert tends to be able to give the right advice, because introverts always pay close attention to that person's behavior.
Introverts are wise leaders