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Introvert and Antisocial are Two Different Things

28 November 2022   19:19 Diperbarui: 28 November 2022   19:24 329
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Having a family that has experienced mental/psychological disorders,

  • Having traumatic experiences such as victims of abuse. 

  • These factors eventually cause a person to have a personality disorder which is characterized by bad behavior in social relations with other people. People with the antisocial disorder often avoid other people or behave violently, recklessly, and impulsively towards others, so it is not uncommon for people with this disorder to be shunned by many people. People with this disorder use their intelligence to manipulate other people to meet their needs, besides that it is not uncommon for people with this disorder to commit criminal acts such as stealing and destroying things. 

    Until now, no medicine can completely cure this mental disorder, but there are several therapies recommended by psychologists to reduce the symptoms of this disorder. Here are some precautions that can be taken so as not to get antisocial disorders: 

    1. Recognizing antisocial signs from an early age so that it is not too late to be handled

    2. Giving sufficient attention and affection to children so that the child does not feel abandoned

    3. Create a harmonious family environment

    Some of the prevention above is expected to minimize the emergence of antisocial disorders.

    1. What is the difference between introvert and antisocial?

    After we have studied well about introvert and antisocial from the explanation above, here are the details of the difference between introvert and antisocial so that you can understand it better:

    1. Introvert is a personality type, while antisocial is a type of personality disorder

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