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Education administration



Ilmu Sosbud

The Role of Administration in Improving Education Quality

25 Oktober 2024   10:12 Diperbarui: 25 Oktober 2024   10:29 55
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Educational administration is a key aspect in ensuring the quality of education in schools. As a resource management process, from teaching staff, students, to facilities and budgets, educational administration plays an important role in creating an effective and efficient learning environment. This article discusses how educational administration, through leadership, resource management, and budget allocation, can improve the quality of education in schools.

The Importance of Educational Administration

The purpose of educational administration is to facilitate the effective delivery of education. In the school context, administration involves a series of activities such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. These activities include the management of teachers, students, budgets, and school infrastructure. All of this is done to ensure that the teaching and learning process runs according to predetermined goals.

Good administration enables the creation of a more conducive, structured, and directed learning environment. On the other hand, poor administration can lead to inefficiencies and a decline in the quality of learning.

Resource Management

Resource management is one of the main functions of educational administration. Schools must be able to manage their teaching staff and students properly to achieve optimal learning outcomes. Proper resource management also includes the arrangement of available facilities and learning tools.

Teachers must be well-managed to perform their duties effectively. In this case, the administration is responsible for providing the necessary support, such as training and professional development. Students must also be managed in a way that ensures they feel comfortable in the learning process, which ultimately improves their academic performance.

Leadership in Education

Good leadership is crucial in educational administration. The school principal, as the main leader in the school, plays a significant role in determining the school's direction. An effective principal must be able to provide clear guidance to the teaching staff, motivate them, and adapt to changes in the education sector.

Good leadership also functions to maintain the morale of teachers and enhance their well-being. This will have a positive impact on the quality of instruction they provide to students.

Effective Budget Allocation

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