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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of National Interest in Indonesia and ASEAN security diplomacy on south Tiongkok sea disputes

4 Januari 2024   14:03 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   21:15 191
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The South China Sea dispute involves several countries in ASEAN because the territory claimed by China borders Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia and Thailand. To overcome the conflict, Indonesia through Asean conducted diplomacy with the Chinese side to resolve the case. However, until now this case has not found a bright spot. The South China Sea adjacent to the Indonesian Natuna Sea has many natural resources ranging from oil and gas, fish, coral reefs etc. This is what makes many countries want to defend the territory adjacent to their seas, as well as China which claims the South China Sea, because China has interests in it such as wanting to control the natural resources contained in the claimed area. Countries in ASEAN, including Indonesia, also have a national interest to protect their country's sovereignty by engaging in diplomacy to resolve this dispute.

The concept of national interest is a central element in discussions about relations between countries in the international sphere. When something is considered to threaten the sovereignty of the country, the state will be offensive Likewise with foreign policy which means this concept becomes the basis for formulating foreign policy and guiding countries in taking appropriate steps to protect and advance their domestic interests by considering various aspects that are beneficial to the country.

In the world of international relations, each country will try to achieve the goal of achieving, defending, fighting for and realizing the national interests of its country. The same is the case with the diplomacy carried out by Indonesia towards the South China Sea. Indonesia conducts diplomacy with claimant states,  of course, based on the needs of fulfilling its national interests. This action is a form of implementation of Indonesia's international politics. In Indonesia's freely active international politics there is an element of Indonesian national interest there. Seeing from the hegemony  of world power  that wars with each other and produces many losses is the basis for Indonesia not wanting to participate in alignment with one of the world'  s power axes  , this is to avoid Indonesia from endless conflicts and create unstable dynamics in Indonesia's domestic body.

Behind Indonesia's impartiality with one world axis does not limit Indonesia's existence in the international world. Indonesia remains active in carrying out the constitutional order in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution which reads

..." That is in order to realize world peace based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice."(Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, 2013) This is Indonesia's reference in making and implementing foreign policy. Indonesia wants to realize peace and justice in the international world. Of course this is due to Indonesia's domestic goals and interests which will be disturbed by international instability.

Indonesia has a national interest to protect its citizens and the integrity of its country from external threats. Not only in social form in the form of territorial, cultural, and economic stability must be considered Indonesia in a foreign policy product. But Indonesia wraps its national interests into international policies guided by soft power. Then the products of the policy will try to promote peace and the path of peace. Indonesia builds an image as a country that can be trusted internationally because of its impartiality to one axis only. This will make it easier for Indonesia to determine policies, especially in its regional areas. Then, security and stability in the South China Sea are very important for the economy of Indonesia and other ASEAN countries. The South China Sea is a major trade route, and efforts to resolve the dispute could open up opportunities for access to natural resources, such as seafood and other economic potential.

The initiation and initiation carried out by Indonesia in the case of the South China Sea dispute shows Indonesia's courage in taking foreign policy. Because basically the South China Sea dispute also endangers the North Natuna Islands, where the Natuna Sea has abundant natural resources, not only that the countries in conflict are in the same region as Indonesia, they are also members of the same regional organization. Of course, when countries are in conflict, even to war, they will ask for the solidarity of countries related to and diplomatic relations with themselves. This will affect domestic interests within the Indonesian state.

 Countries involved in South China Sea disputes also have diverse interests. The South China Sea is rich in natural resources, such as oil, gas and marine products, which are important factors in determining the territorial claims and economic interests of related countries. In addition, the dispute is also related to security and geopolitical power, where the countries involved seek to maintain or increase their influence and military presence in the region. This shows the complexity of the South China Sea dispute and how important it is for relevant countries to resolve these disputes peacefully in their national interests and regional stability.

Then if we look at China's interest in claiming the South China Sea, China has several interests that drive their claims to the area. Economically, the South China Sea is rich in natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, which have been important factors in China's successful modernization. In addition, as a power-ambitious nation, China uses claims to the South China Sea as part of efforts to increase its power. Politically, claims to the territory can also be used to strengthen China's position within the country's system of government. Finally, in terms of defense and security, the South China Sea is considered important to China, because it is a strategic transportation route and has high security value. In addition, the South China Sea also has global importance, such as abundant fisheries resources, which are important for world economic stability. Therefore, China's claims to the South China Sea not only involve China's national interests, but also have far-reaching repercussions globally.

Therefore, in the dispute over the claim of the South China Sea, which is located in the coastal sea part of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent to the territorial borders of these Asean countries, occurs because the countries involved in the dispute have a national interest to maintain the sovereignty and security of their countries. If there were no national interest of ASEAN countries in China's claims to the South China Sea, there would be no such dispute. This reflects the importance of national interest in shaping Indonesia's diplomatic strategy related to resolving South China Sea disputes within the framework of ASEAN cooperation. Foreign ministers in ASEAN have also issued the ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

When related to international relations, this case is geopolitical between China and countries in ASEAN. The South China Sea dispute has a significant impact on international relations. Because this dispute involves several countries in the Asia-Pacific region and has become a global concern. Therefore, the completion of the LTS could affect the political and security dynamics in the region as well as relations between countries more broadly. These disputes include international disputes that must be resolved peacefully. Some countries have tried to resolve disputes through diplomatic mechanisms and regional organizations such as ASEAN. Despite efforts to reach an agreement, differences in claims and tensions remain.

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