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Audrey Qisty Saylaadinadya
Audrey Qisty Saylaadinadya Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Airlangga





Tips Mengatasi Anxiety Disorder pada Mahasiswa

18 Mei 2023   22:24 Diperbarui: 18 Mei 2023   22:35 209
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Daftar Pustaka:

Mathers, C. D., & Loncar, D. (2006). Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030. PLoS Medicine, 3(11), e442.

Newman, M. G., Llera, S. J., Erickson, T. M., Przeworski, A., & Castonguay, L. G. (2011). Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Review and Theoretical Synthesis of Evidence on Nature, Etiology, Mechanisms, and Treatment. (Barlow 1988), 275--297. 

Patriquin, M. A., & Mathew, S. J. (2017). The Neurobiological Mechanisms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress, 1, 247054701770399.

Zwanzger, P. (2018). Treatment of anxiety disorders. MMW-Fortschritte Der Medizin, 160(17), 48--54.

Jane-Llopis, E., Anderson, P., Stewart-Brown, S., Weare, K., Wahlbeck, K., McDaid, D., ... Litchfield, P. (2011). Reducing the silent burden of impaired mental health. Journal of Health Communication, 16(SUPPL. 2), 59--74.

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