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WikiLeaks - The GIF (Global Intelligence Files)

2 Maret 2012   00:24 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   08:39 125
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This is huge, like another Cablegate. STRATFOR is known as "The Shadow CIA" (private CIA).

LONDON WikiLeaks (berkolaborasi dengan Anonymous dan bermitra lebih dari 25 media organizations) menerbitkan The Global Intelligence Files pada 27 Feb 2012. Berisi sebuah "harta" perusahaan global intelijen swasta Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (STRATFOR) yang berbasis di Austin Texas US.

The Operation Robin Hood

Pada 24 Desember 2011 Operation Robin Hood mendapatkan lebih dari 5 juta email dari server STRATFOR (tertanggal July 2004 hingga akhir December 2011), kemudian kami serahkan ke WikiLeaks, mereka bermitra dengan 25 organisasi media global untuk menganalisa email dan mempublikasikannya. The credit-card data to make donations to various charities, including the Red Cross, Save the Children and CARE.Robin Hood

Thanks, it's provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Coca-Cola, Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show STRATFOR's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.” WikiLeaks

  • US security firm Stratfor attacked by 'Robin Hood' hackers "Group linked to Anonymous says it diverted $500,000 to various charities in attack driven by anger at Bradley Manning case." The Guardian 27 Dec 2011 19.47 GMT.
  • Anonymous 'Robin Hood' hacking attack hits major firms "Thousands of private and government organisations are examining their accounts after hacktivists linked to the Anonymous collective stole credit card information from an American security firm on Christmas Eve and used it to make donations to charities." The Telegraph 28 Dec 2011 12:14PM GMT.

The GIF News

  • Stratfor issued a statement on the release which said WikiLeaks' actions are "deplorable, unfortunate — and illegal" and that some emails may be "forged or altered" while others are "authentic," but they will not validate either.
  • An email has been circulating alleged to be Stratfor CEO George Friedman announcing his resignation, but Stratfor has tweeted that this is a false rumor.
  • WikiLeaks is holding a press conference on the release at the Frontline Club, February 27 at 12PM. It is possible that it will be live-streamed at Frontline Club's livestream channel.
  • WikiLeaks' insurance file (64.3 GB) is available at multiple locations: WL Storage (official release), The Pirate Bay, or via magnet link.
  • A graph shows that spikes in WikiLeaks' traffic coincides with declines in traffic of Australian MSM organizations Sydney Morning Herald and News AU.

  • Swedish journalist Staffan Heimerson, who has been reading the police interrogations from the Assange case, commented (translated from Swedish): […] the idea of prosecution of rape against Assange is idiocy. Put down the target. It attracts ridicule of Swedish everyday life.
  • German newspaper The Intelligence has released a critical analysis of Patrick Forbes' documentary, "WikiLeaks: Secrets and Lies."
  • WikiLeaks Press has released its coverage of Cablegate news from February 2 – 8.
  • A transcript of Bradley Manning's arraignment is now available, via Alexa O'Brien.
  • The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) has stated it does not condone the alleged actions of Bradley Manning.
  • The Bradley Manning Support Network has issued an update for February 25 which covers Roger Waters' support for Bradley, Logan Price's report from the arraignment, and a demonstration in Santa Cruz.
  • From the Interpol PR: Hacktivistreportedly linked to ‘Anonymous’ group targeted in global operation supported by INTERPOL.
  • According to Democracy Now, one of the leaked emails suggests a secret U.S. indictment of Julian Assange. Amy Goodman traveled to London last Independence Day weekend, she asked about the grand-jury investigation and get reply: “a grand jury would not only indict a ham sandwich, it would indict the ham and the sandwich.”

Dates & Events:

  • February 27: WikiLeaks hold a press conference at the Frontline Club at 12PM.
  • March 1: Julian Assange will host a Q&A on "Europe's Last Dictator," 6:30PM at The Old Vic Tunnels, London.
  • March 8: Daniel Ellsberg will speak at Princeton University at an event called "Secrets, Lies, and Leaks: From the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks."
  • March 15: Bradley Manning's next court appearance.
  • April 25: Kristinn Hrafnsson to speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.
  • May 23: Julian Assange to speak at Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 in The Netherlands.
  • May 27: "Incident in New Baghdad" to air on The Documentary Channel, 8PM.


Reference: WLC



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