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Tracing Warfare in The Middle Ages

6 September 2024   22:06 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   22:12 45
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"A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century"

is a historical work written by Barbara W. Tuchman, published in 1978. The book is a comprehensive study of the 14th century in Europe, a period filled with conflict, crisis, and great change. Tuchman, a popular historian, uses a lively and narrative approach to describe this era, making a complex history more accessible to the general reader. Here is a detailed description of the book:

Book Background

This book tells the story of Europe in the 14th century, a period often described as one of the darkest in Western history. Tuchman chose this century because it was full of destruction, including the Hundred Years' War, the Death Plague, church conflicts, and the collapse of the traditional social order. However, the 14th century was also a time of great change that shaped the modern world.

The title, "Distant Mirror", refers to the idea that although the 14th century feels distant from modern life, many of the problems faced then - such as warfare, political crises, plague, and corruption in institutions - are still relevant today.

The book was released in 1978 and the publisher was Alfred A. Knopf.

Central Figure: Enguerrand VII de Coucy

Tuchman chose Enguerrand VII, Sire de Coucy as the central character in the book. Coucy was a French nobleman, a knight who lived from 1340 to 1397. He was born into one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Europe. Through Coucy's life, Tuchman depicts many aspects of 14th century social, political and military life.

Coucy was a figure who represented the chivalric values and feudalism of his time, but he also lived in a transitional period where this system began to crumble due to social and economic changes brought about by various crises. His colorful life, from his military career to his diplomatic relations with the great kingdoms of Europe, provides a window for readers to understand the dynamics of the 14th century.

Main Themes of the Book 

The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453):
One of the longest conflicts in history, the Hundred Years' War between England and France is at the center of this book. It marked a major shift in military tactics, from feudal-style chivalric warfare to more organized and brutal warfare. Tuchman explains how the war devastated the economies and populations of both countries, and affected the power relations between kings, nobles and subjects.

The Black Death (1347-1351):
The Black Death, which is estimated to have killed between 30% and 60% of Europe's population, became one of the most devastating disasters in human history. Tuchman describes how this plague not only brought physical death, but also changed the entire social order, by generating fear, riots, and a deep economic crisis.

Crisis of the Church:
In the 14th century, the Catholic Church experienced a major crisis known as the Western Schism (1378-1417), in which there were two (even three) competing popes. This caused confusion and anger among the faithful, and weakened the power of the church. Tuchman describes how this crisis led to distrust of religious institutions and created an opening for reform in the following centuries.

Social and Economic Change:
Tuchman explains how demographic changes due to the Black Death, a combination of long wars, and population decline led to an economic crisis and a major transformation in society. The remaining working class gained more power due to the scarcity of labor, which accelerated the collapse of the feudal system and provided the foundation for a more modern European society.

The Rise of Chivalry and Feudalism:
Tuchman also illustrates a world of nobles and knights in decline. Although the notions of chivalry - honor, courage, and loyalty - were still respected, the reality on the ground showed that more modern military tactics and economic forces began to shift the power of the knights. Knights, once the backbone of the military, began to be replaced by mercenaries and regular troops.

A Narrative Approach

Barbara Tuchman has a different writing style from many academic historians. She uses a narrative approach that flows like a story, making historical facts feel alive and interesting. She focuses on the details of everyday life as well as major conflicts, giving the reader a sense of what it was like to live in those times. His approach is not only factually in-depth, but also emotional and humane, allowing readers to connect more with the historical figures and events he covers.

Tuchman is also very good at connecting major events with their effects on individual lives. He highlights the paradoxes of the era: on the one hand, the 14th century was a time of despair and destruction, but on the other hand, it was also full of innovations in art, literature, and political thought.

Links to Modern Times

One of the interesting aspects of this book is how Tuchman draws parallels between the 14th century and modern times. Using the analogy of a mirror, he invites the reader to see that the problems faced by 14th century societies, such as war, plague, political instability, and institutional corruption, are still relevant to the challenges faced by the modern world.

Although the historical setting is set centuries ago, Tuchman shows that there is a repeating cycle in history, where humans continue to deal with similar challenges in different contexts. Through this book, he not only provides insight into the past, but also invites readers to reflect on the social, political, and moral conditions of our own times.


"A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century" is an outstanding work of history, combining vivid narrative with in-depth historical analysis. Through the story of Enguerrand de Coucy and the major events of the 14th century, Barbara W. Tuchman offers readers a rich understanding of this tumultuous period. This book not only describes the past meticulously, but also provides a reflection of the challenges of the modern world.

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