“Do you remember the diamond ring you bought for me?”
“Yes, of course I remember.”
“I lost it….I’m sorry.” I made it sound as pitiful as I could.
“It’s okay. It’s your ring anyway.”
“But I planned to give it to your daughter one day when she’s big enough.”
“It’s okay. She is still in university. I don’t think she likes that kind of ring by now,” she assured me.
I didn’t see any resentment in her facial expression or her voice. I told you, diamond was not a thing for her.
Soon after, my heart felt so light that I could float in the air like a feather. I finally wholeheartedly believed that diamond ring was not meant for me to have forever.
Now I understand why people make confessions on their deathbeds. It will help them to smooth the passage to the other side.
As for me, I could continue living my life without carrying a guilty burden inside.
Until now, I still wonder in which landfill that precious ring ended. I am sure the ring still keeps its sparks even buried under tons of soil. Diamond is forever, right?