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Aqila DwiZahra
Aqila DwiZahra Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Senior Student

Hi! I am Aqila. I am 21 years old, I was born in Karawang, West Java. I am an international relations student at the University of Singaperbangsa Karawang. I took this major because I wanted to go abroad and explore the world. I'm here to try new experiences in writing articles and hopefully my articles will be useful for many people. Have a nice day everyone!




Implementation of the Role of Social Media for Youth in the Era Globalization

24 Desember 2022   16:20 Diperbarui: 24 Desember 2022   20:25 373
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It can be concluded that social media has an extraordinary role in this globalization. Changes in individuals are strongly influenced by the activities carried out and depend on the choices of the individual in behaving. This is shown by the symptoms that appear in the daily lives of today's youth, from the way many of our teenagers dress and imitate the western culture.

They wear clothes that are minimal in the material where they show body parts that shouldn't be visible. Even though this way of dressing is into by our culture. Not to forget the dyed hairstyle following western culture where the majority of people there are blonde. Not many teenagers want to preserve the nation's culture by wearing polite clothes according to the national personality. Many teenagers are also embarrassed to wear our cultural clothes such as "Batik". Of course, this is also influenced by technological developments where these young people imitate western culture through their social media.

Because globalization adheres to freedom and openness so they act as they please and imitate what they see on their social media. As well as not ruling out the possibility that many social media users spend hour just on social media, this of course indirectly changes the activity patterns of teenagers. 

Social media easily makes people connected. Both near and stretched by distance and time. You also have connections with various people from all over the world. However, this change in globalization has made many young people lose their personalities as Indonesians, globalization is like a boomerang if the thrower cannot catch the boomerang that is thrown properly then it will hurt themselves. Young changes are in culture, these changes can be a change in conduct that is easy to do, for example in communicating or dressing. It's as if they forget our own culture and prefer to apply foreign culture in their lives. So, we need to be careful and reasonable in using social media to provide benefits and not harm ourselves or others.

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